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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Hey all, i was wondering if there ever gonna be (if possible) a even bigger screen resolution then 1920 x 1080 (i know theres 1900 x 1200) perhaps theres even space for 3440 x 1440? (i hope). Was kinda supprised the game could support the 1920 x 1080 resolution. Would be nice if the black beams on the sides could be filled up with anything but black pixels. I know there was an discusion about this a while back (couple years ago) about that the game could not support a bigger resolution. Was nice to see that they found a way to push it to HD or kind of HD. Would be nice if it could be pushed further to a ultra wide screen resolution. Im currentley using a 34 inch 3440 x 1440 screen and it is very nice to play in the bigger resolution. So my suggestion is to fill up the black bars on the side if that is possible. Dunno if someone posted it already (didnt scroll treu the 156 post). Would be cool if it were possible to even get to 3440 x 1440. Then the game would look even nicer. So im hoping/suggesting for an even bigger resolution.
1080p users get chat window booted off to a possibly impossible to access space if using external chat window.
Windowed users can't click the lightbulb above character's head sometimes. (Doesn't happen in full screen.)
Videos play in the top left corner of the screen and don't scale to match reso.
Buggy graphics can be seen outside of in-game cutscenes sometimes.
Just to name a few.