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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Nexon gotta find a way to deal with these hackers
These macro hack users are interrupting my leveling so much. like entire 30 channels are filled with macro assholes that i can't find a spot to hunt.
As much as I hate the idea of new players facing validation processes, it's a much better system than what we have going on.
A legit player usually only needs to make one or two accounts. It's much better than just letting hackers go all out by making an absurd number of them at once.
Even if it takes a few hours for the validation to go through, it's a small price to pay for a more enjoyable experience.
It's a horrible idea I think we should have in game gm's we have mods who want to do their job give them a better job which is in game policing of hackers. It will help build community trust and it give them something productive to do that's more effective.
GMs have the ability to be invisible and work behind the scenes. It's hard to tell how much they're actually doing without being one.
I agree with this.
I think Nexon should implement a phone number verification system. If they could implement it where a player would have to give their phone number (a valid number that's subscribed to a carrier) it would decrease amount of hackers and botters in the game. A lot of websites now offer a secondary authentication, I believe this method could also help decrease the flooded amount of hackers/botters. It would be a lot of work on Nexon's end, but players would be able to enjoy the game much better.
uhh macro users??? You mean botters right?
bad idea guy , this only benefitie to the hackers , today in day the number of verification is inservible for manys games and bussinnes online due to manys programas of verification of number of phone and email ilegales , this would affect the legal players who have 1 to 2 more legitimate accounts in the game, dreaming is easy, but on the internet there are many programs to easily have a phone number and fake emails, the solution is an online gm system to report hackers and bots, 2nd game guard, hackers violate the system of protection of the game with passes, reinforce the system is priority and the game launcher .. the game launcher and the game have too many problems, not only the lag and hackers, the crash and the bugs that have not had solution in these years
a solution to the crashers and lag is a new merge or system of union of worlds of all the servers, example, you can log in any world or server (chaos - kroa- windia - scania - bera example) and it does not affect the content of your guild or friends in buddy, you can meet them, login in any server, this would benefit a lot in the performance of the game because it reduces the lag (main problem of the game) to (today with hackers) is a good idea for a game that I have lost the content with the past and past events where people get tired of not having answers and fixes to the problems of the game, it is only my opinion and maybe solution in part
If Nexon patches this so that hackers can't bypass it (I think they can in Korea), I personally wouldn't mind having to do it.