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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
[EUReboot] - [R]atPack Recruiting now
Hi! Thanks for viewing this post.
First I would like to introduce myself. I'm Proxima the guild leader. I've been playing MS since what feels like a lifetime mainly on GMS since just after the beta but took a very long break not playing since a few months after the big bang update. After coming back from all those years I decided to join EU Reboot and a few months later here I am with a lovely little guild.
So we've come to the main bit - [R]atPack are now recruiting!
We're a nice friendly bunch with a small/medium active group which is enhanced by our lovely alliance chat, who are looking for like minded people to join us.
We're almost an end game guild yet as some of our members are working towards this. We do Daily RA and other bosses along with Arcane river dailies with each other and never pass up the chance to help anyone.
We have a small guild only discord as well as a very active alliance discord which is a big plus.
We have no level requirement so it doesn't matter if you're new to maple or a veteran
- Active mains (meso farming kannas can be added once main is in the guild)
- No hacking or botting
Please note that we do have a strict no hacking policy and anyone found hacking will be immediately kicked from the guild.
If you're interested in joining us then I look forward to seeing your name on our application section
Please note that the [R] is our emblem so seach for atPack in game.
Happy Mapleling