Hey, I recently took it upon myself to level up a jett and main it to A) prove people that you can get far just by investing your time into any class and B ) I genuinely enjoy the class and just wish it would get fixed. Keep in mind, most of these bugs have been with the class for over 4 years, and I will try my best to keep this post emotionless.
A general thing that keeping people from playing this class is most of jetts skill have a weird lock in animation thing where after you cast a skill it will lock you in animation for like half a second making it feel really clunky and unsmooth to use. Only ones you get decent speed infusion and green pot does it start feeling bearable, but the whole lock in animation thing hinders the class.
First Job:
Honestly, other then spacewalk (their flash jump) covering little to no distance, I got no complaints. Everything functions it says in the description.
Second Job:
This is where the bugs begin.
There is only one skill and that's Vortex Cross, idk if the bugs kick in ones you get 5th job or not, but if you double tap this skill or use it diagonally, it will just do half or even 1/4 of its intended damage which is done by either pressing this skill ones or holding this skill down.
This skill in general just feels like it's a mess. If you do a damage test it shows up 2 to 3 different times in battle analysis with different titles and same icon (being the vortex cross icon).
Other then that skill, everything else seems to be functioning properly so I got no complains there.
Third Job:
Turret Deployment. This is the only summon in the game (excluding souls) that does not crit. Why? Every other class that has a turret summon it crits, this one doesn't
Cosmic Upheaval. There are times where this skill straight up doesn't pull mobs towards you that were hit. (This type is for balance purposes ->) Is it possible to increase the skills ratios? Since if this skill is only intended to be a crowd control tool then ignore this comment, but if it's I tended to kill monsters then 100% 3 lines is way too weak.
Forth Job:
Backup Beatdown. This skills animations do not get effected by attackspeed at all. Usually (even hurricane based skills), when attack speed stats getting stacked, the pre cast and the post cast animations get faster, for this skill it doesn't.
Strikeforce Showdown. This is the only skill in the game that is a core of a characters bossing kit and does not have a boost mode for it. Why? My suggestion is put Starforce Salvo and Strikeforce Showdown in the same nodes, since A) it will make it so current jett mains that have their V-Matrix loadout finish don't have to redo the whole thing just because of this core skill, B ) it will bring jett up to par with the current classes roster, and C) many classes already have multiple skills on one boost nodes (Ark, Zero, mechanic (Salvo mode keeps its effect doesn't matter which mode you in), etc). Overall a much needed change for a while.
Hyper Skills:
Bionic Maximizer. The most underwhelming hyper skill in the game.
Singularity Shock. Locks you in animation, locks you in place, and doesn't do significant damage. Most skills like that get turned into i-frames (Kaiser's hyper skill, Thunder breaker's hyper skill, etc) so maybe the same could be done here, since jett is the only class in the game without an iframe.
Fifth Job:
Gravity Crush. This skills second part (being the damage is increased based on the damage your party members do) doesn't work.
Allied Fury. This skill still crashes you. The crash happens on the second portion of the skill where the enemies get hit by a second attack. Also if the enemies are intended to be killed by the first portion of this skill, they will still get hit by it's second part making monsters stay alive longer then intended. Also, this is more of a quality of life change, but since this is technically the first efficient skill that the jetts have, is it possible to lower its cooldown a little more? Just a personal favorite since I do enjoy using this skill to grind a lot.
Conclusion, I would really love to get some feedback from some senior developers or someone who I can trust will make a difference please.
Edit1: changed

to B )
Edit2: added a small conclusion.
Turret Deployment was also never updated to deal damage based on your range like literally every other job-based summon out there. It's still using the old summon formula that soul weapon summons use. By the way, neither was the delay reduction for most classes when using flash jump to use skills in the air faster- but it might be to late for that now that KMS is modifying some class's delay to fit some classes' gameplay (it shouldn't effect jett if this were the case as Jett is a high mobility class).
As for backup beatdown, the time it takes to do damage when pressing the button is quite fast, Even when I'm button mashing the skill purely to inflict the skills' final hit damage, I still manage to get 1 of the hold down hits to activate before the final attack.
Strikeforce Showdown lacks a boost node because Nexon thought it'd be a nice idea to give Starforce Salvo +3% final damage per boost node level instead of 2%, which was a big mistake because Corsair's Rapid Fire and Majestic Presence do about the same damage in comparison to Jett's Starforce Salvo and Strikeforce Showdown before Nodes take any part. With Corsair's nodes, they gain 200% dps increase, while Jett's Starforce Salvo Node will only give Jett 150% dps increase (in theory). The only way Jett can out DPS corsair by them both using those 2 skills is if the Corsair in mention is an imbecile that never put SP into Majestic Presence in the first place.
Jett also lacks skills that reduce their damage intake causing them to take much more damage than any other class except for Demon Avenger, but Jett's gameplay isn't about losing as much HP as they can to gain a Final Damage buff, is it? Even KMS has learned from that by giving Corsair a much needed favor. I really don't blame GMS for Jett as there's several signs that the class came from CMS's Zen and that CMS has the control over what goes on when it comes to buffing or
nerfingthose classes much like how JMS is in control of buffing Hayato and Kanna (ironically despite how the classes currently are, they've managed it better than the ones managing Jett and Beast Tamer).I wouldn't mind if KMS adopted Jett from the abusive parents that don't give it any attention but as if that'd happen.