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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Plz fix the high ranking bosses....plz ffs
Party raid with guildmates for H Damien and Lotus are just complete hell due to severity of lags/bugs issues with these bosses.
-Someone simply dying (NOT DUE TO BRAND) can cause extra sword to appear, which should only appear when someone dies due to 7 brandings
-He teleports and disappear for map for over 10 seconds. Especially in 2nd phase, he dashes then appears for 1 sec, then teleports away for over 10 seconds. And he does this wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too often in the 2nd phase. This severely reduces the dps time and results in not being able to kill him in time.
-Multiple attacks pattern being done at once. He's up in the air, shooting fireballs, then suddenly there's 2nd Damien doing air striking at the same time.
-The laser patters are so god damn glitchy. It's at t position and all of a sudden the laser teleports to x position and kills members who were in clear of the laser.
-Electricity field turns on before the platform even hits the ground!. The platforms, which are the only places that you can stand on to avoid electricity, hasn't come down from the air, but the electricity field is already on, killing everyone without iframe
- Even when the platforms land before electricity field turns on, you can't get on top of the platforms! The platform is there, you can see it on the screen, but it's like a background image and you can't get on top of it.
-Purple ball strike has hit the ground and the effect is gone, but the empty space where it landed still kills you!
I'm not reporting newly found bug issues here. These have been reported several times for years and years. Honestly, why isn't this being fixed right away? What's the point of spending money/time on this game to make your character stronger, when you can't even defeat bosses solely because of the lags and bugs issues that Nexon will just vehemently refuse to fix?

-While I agree with you that Damien is extremely buggy, I think the extra swords don't come from deaths. It seems like they appear from people having bad connection, and can spawn even without dying.
-It's definitely annoying, but the teleportation is an intended feature I believe. The boss would be way too easy and would probably require a higher health if you could attack him at all points.
-Yep the multiple attacks are definitely an issue. Sometimes he'll be mid invisible/teleport, and then suddenly come crashing out of the sky.
-Yea the lasers are really laggy. It seems like having laggier players in the party makes this worse.
-I've never seen the electricity happen before platforms
-Again never had the platforms be non-interactable before. Perhaps people are breaking them but its visually bugged on your screen?
-Purple ball issue is typically a connection issue. Even if you don't seem laggy, if your connection is the slightest bit unstable this can happen (same with damien swords)
Would be really great to fix these bosses; Damien is easily the buggiest boss in the game.
(Not sure if its hijacking, don't think so, but another boss has some issues too:)
Lucid P1:
-If you're dead at the end of phase 1 right before the cutscene, you get stuck and can't move onto phase 2.
Lucid P2:
-Still moves while bound, usually just falls to the bottom of the map where you can't hit her
-Sometimes she'll try to summon slashes, the animation will cancel, she'll move away, and then the slashes will come from her original location
-Some players get dragon notifications ~10-20seconds earlier than other players, causing the whole party to hide from the dragon and waste ~30 seconds
Such a horsesh*t response. Loads of people from the guild and I'm sure several others have already reported the bugs with video proof and these kinds of bugs are even on youtube boss raid videos! They know these bugs are there for fact, but they would rather turn blind eyes and ask you to bring "video proof" as if they're going to fix it once they see it lol.
Damien's extra sword is only suppose to appear from death by 7 brand marks. It's stupid ass bug and stone age hack detection that's triggering the extra swords.
Oh someone died in a boss fight? Must be hacking adds extra swords lol
Teleportation is intended, but only intended for short time (3-4 sec max). There's lag/bug issue where damien simply disappears for over 10 seconds. That's defintiely not intended.
Here's a video evidence of electricity field happening before platform even lands. Look at 3:49 part
There are several other videos of boss raids on youtube with **** tons of bugs, and they still ask for "video evidence" lol