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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
[Belgium] Item tag Clear /Fusion Anvilss
Bug type: Item tag clear is not visible for Belgian Players
Fusion Anvils are still not visible for Belgian Players
Brief bug summary: As of the new Proactive measures against Belgians , They also removed those items i mentioned above
More details: It is Sold Out or just doesnt show up
Character name: Scorms
Character level:251
Character job:Shade
World name:Reboot
Date 2019/03/16
Fusion Anvils will remain restricted since it also includes a "Craftman's Gift" that provides random rewards when opened.
For Item Tag Clear, we'll let the team know.
Thank you.
Any word on simply removing the craftsman's gift? I mentioned this in another thread on this matter and you said it would be looked into.
We have informed the team of the suggestion but please do note that there is no guarantee that a decision will be made at this time.
pray for Belgium
tho that stubborn attitude to keep loot$box
Just letting you know that the Item Clear Tag not being able to be purchased by Belgium Players is being looked into.
Thanks for the report!