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Purchasing NX clothing through Maple Points
Just as the title says. Also, do something about PQs to make them meaningful, like giving maple points for completing them, or NX items, or something like that. I know there is not much point in bothering to make such a change when pqs are completely dead, but it's nice to at least try.
Unless you meant Maple Reward Points, in which case, we very rarely have some NX clothes in the Rewards Shop. However, the Rewards Shop was created to mitigate the "pay to win" of Maplestory, by allowing people to earn some of the power-giving cash items (cubes and scrolls, primarily) through in-game activity. It's not intended for cosmetics.
We do occasionally get some NX cosmetics for free, such as the outfits in the Anniversary shop right now, or those given out in the Maplehood Watch event.
As for PQs, at MapleFest Nexon hinted something about a new one and in general improvements to them. Let's wait and see what's coming.