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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Do GMS Updates come with Skill Bug Fixes?
For example, just recently in KMS Kaiser's Gigas Wave was fixed so that it doesn't change the character hit box but will this bug fix be implemented when the next GMS update occurs? Do we get updates with future bug fixes included or do we have to wait 6 months for the fix to be implemented...
This has been explained countless times by GM’s, Community Managers, and Volunteers, but the reason why they can’t just “use a known solution” is because that “known solution” is surrounded by a code base for a completely different version of the game.
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not as simple as copying the code from the KMS version and pasting it into GMS. There are so many different bugs and problems that can be caused by that, and it’s not worth risking breaking the game further to try and implement fixes unless they’re completely game breaking.
Is it unfortunate that Kaiser mains have to deal with this bug for a while long? Yeah. Is it going to completely break Kaiser to make them wait? Not really.
I'd like to take this opportunity to bring up that time three years ago when el nath just straight-up broke for a week. If you had pets(or androids or familiars I think) out when entering el nath, you just straight-up crashed. They temporarily fixed it by slapping some tower of oz thing over it that put your pets away as you entered the map until they could actually fix it.
I say this to emphasize the point that, in a game as large and old as this one, sometimes things just break seemingly out of nowhere. A fix for a class skill could break a map elsewhere in the game.