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Change elite mob drop rate Back

Member, Private Tester JushiroNet
Reactions: 6,160
Posts: 748
Member, Private Tester
edited August 2019 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Fine you guys think the drop rates were improved.

They're not, change it back please.


  • Member, Private Tester HHG1
    Reactions: 5,986
    Posts: 780
    Member, Private Tester
    edited August 2019
    In a previous memo, I mentioned that the total amount of Cubic Blade, Cubic Chaos Blade, and Flame drops were increased so that they are more evenly dropped throughout the entire day. As a result of this change, some players who had previously been able to receive these items in large quantities may feel a slight decrease in the number they can now obtain after this change. However, the change allows all players across all times of the day a better chance to obtain these drops rather than concentrating the drops to a smaller group of players. We hope this helps further clarify why certain players may feel they are receiving fewer drops.

    This makes literally no sense. If you apply the drop rate increase to the entire day, as previously intended, there would be no decrease.
    Players don't feel like they are receiving fewer drops, they actually are.
    Is there a limit of how many drops can be distributed per day? Because nothing else would explain why a drop rate increase that has been expanded to the entire day would somehow result in a decrease of drops.

    If that is the case, then what else is there an undisclosed limited stock on? Hard boss drops? Marvel items? Philo book items?
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited August 2019
    It's funny how these memos were started to appease the community in having nexon communicate with them, but as time goes on more and more people are just put off by the borderline doublespeak in a good deal of them.

    Nobody was questioning what items could potentially have time-of-day drop restrictions until you bozos went and said cubic blades had time-of-day-restrictive drop rates. I look forward to seeing how you dig yourselves out of this hole that you've made, because we all know "we screwed up, sorry" and "we'll change it back to how it was" are two phrases that simply don't exist in nexon's vernacular.
  • Member, Private Tester JushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
    Posts: 748
    Member, Private Tester
    edited August 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    I look forward to seeing how you dig yourselves out of this hole that you've made

    My guess is the memo is the last thing we'll ever hear on it. Now we move into the ignore it until players stop complaining territory.
  • Member WONDERGUY
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited August 2019
    JushiroNet wrote: »
    My guess is the memo is the last thing we'll ever hear on it. Now we move into the ignore it until players stop complaining territory.

    nothing new , we hear you, we see you and we are going to make changes with team soon-never

    meanwhile its time for some great items and something you all wanted and we worked hard to make it happend

    The Philosopher’s Book Returns!
    most wonderfull thing we made and after carefully reading your feedback about broken-balanced items our team decided to keep frenzy totem but thats not it we boosted rate of other broken-balanced items like breath of divinity,Ring of Torment Coupon, Firestarter Ring Coupon and Lucid's Earrings Coupon also we didnt forgot new items and their rates cubic blades, clean slates and much more read full list soonTM

    Double Miracle Time Event

    and as usually we forgot evrything


    hackers can thank nexon again lots of profit and huge spit-slap on legit hunters (not like 70% elite boss are from hackers....)
    80.000 hacking accounts in 4week on 2-4k daily playerbase and yet nexon dont know whats wrong (according to last micor site event it was barely 2k players, rewards was so high set but they count on hackers...)
  • Member Yakudle
    Reactions: 2,085
    Posts: 200
    edited August 2019
    I guess things will get worse, I didn't know the game had a limit to how many drops you can get per day, hold on. Actually, how many items do have this ridiculous limit by the way? also, why is this in any way good to keep players in-game?
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited August 2019
    Yakudle wrote: »
    I guess things will get worse, I didn't know the game had a limit to how many drops you can get per day, hold on. Actually, how many items do have this ridiculous limit by the way? also, why is this in any way good to keep players in-game?

    And thus the questioning begins. Have fun with your mess, nexon.

    And yakudle? Don't lose sleep waiting around for an answer.
  • Member Penguinz0
    Reactions: 3,220
    Posts: 342
    edited August 2019
    "The change allows all players across all times of the day a better chance to obtain these drops rather than concentrating the drops to a smaller group of players. We hope this helps further clarify why certain players may feel they are receiving fewer drops."

    What a load of !@#$. The drop was not concentrated for small group of players. Everyone got good drops from defeating elite monsters. This was clear through community voice and was reflected on the price of these drops and its supply increase on AH. And boy do I love how they condescendingly phrased "why certain players may feel they are receiving fewer drops" lol. Stop treating player base like bunch of idiotic children and just say the truth. You guys increased the drop of blades, then nerfed it because you got scared that people will spend less money to buy cubes from cash shop. This is equivalent to covering the sky with your hands and telling people that sky isn't blue. Everyone can see you're lying through your teeth.
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited August 2019
    It may not even be that. It may just be that they raised the drop rates on the gms side, but then blindly copypasted a kms-origin patch(as they are wont to do) which nuked the drop rates. And then(as they are also wont to do) instead of just coming clean about it, they spin a ludicrous yarn.

    Hanlon's Razor, my dude.
  • Member Daxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,580
    Posts: 1,090
    edited August 2019
    A while ago, I was able to get a ton of cubic blades from elite mobs by tapping them with my mules before i finished them off. I would feel lucky when my 3 mules get a shard and my main gets a shard. Now these days, I get jack. I wish they can revert the change.
  • Member, Private Tester JushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
    Posts: 748
    Member, Private Tester
    edited August 2019
    Can we get someone who actually plays the game at Nexon to look into this? We went from getting something from nearly every elite mob [regardless of time of day] to getting maybe 5% of the drops.

    I may not be an English major but I'm fairly sure a 95% reduction does not fall under the definition of "slight decrease."
  • Member, Private Tester Mira
    Reactions: 4,160
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited August 2019
    I mean, I hate to say 'I told you so' when I made that thread all the while back about the initial decrease in these items, but... yeah. Not that any of the actual players disagreed, because they, you know, actually play the game and have eyes and can do simple math.
  • Member WONDERGUY
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited August 2019
    before it gets deleted on upcomeing forum censorship/maintenance

    #elitedropinlootbox #soonTM
  • Member darik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited August 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    It's funny how these memos were started to appease the community in having nexon communicate with them, but as time goes on more and more people are just put off by the borderline doublespeak in a good deal of them.

    Nobody was questioning what items could potentially have time-of-day drop restrictions until you bozos went and said cubic blades had time-of-day-restrictive drop rates. I look forward to seeing how you dig yourselves out of this hole that you've made, because we all know "we screwed up, sorry" and "we'll change it back to how it was" are two phrases that simply don't exist in nexon's vernacular.

    I wiah they said that they screwed and that they are reverting it, id respect them a lot more if they acknowledged to the community their mistakes and they fixed them
  • Member darik
    Reactions: 3,270
    Posts: 603
    edited August 2019
    Penguinz0 wrote: »
    "The change allows all players across all times of the day a better chance to obtain these drops rather than concentrating the drops to a smaller group of players. We hope this helps further clarify why certain players may feel they are receiving fewer drops."

    What a load of !@#$. The drop was not concentrated for small group of players. Everyone got good drops from defeating elite monsters. This was clear through community voice and was reflected on the price of these drops and its supply increase on AH. And boy do I love how they condescendingly phrased "why certain players may feel they are receiving fewer drops" lol. Stop treating player base like bunch of idiotic children and just say the truth. You guys increased the drop of blades, then nerfed it because you got scared that people will spend less money to buy cubes from cash shop. This is equivalent to covering the sky with your hands and telling people that sky isn't blue. Everyone can see you're lying through your teeth.

    But y nerf flames too? Not only from emobs but from normal bosses too,i barely see any flame from neither of those these days while 3-4 months ago i used to get quite a few
  • Member KingofFurries
    Reactions: 1,605
    Posts: 89
    edited August 2019
    Definitely a load of steaming crap. cubic rates weren't just slightly decreased, they were very decreased the rates are a lot lower now lmfao i used to get cubic blades and chaos blades quite often, and now they're super rare. In bera, chaos cubics used to be like 6m now they're like 20m. slight decrease

    I'm getting tired of these maple meme-os. I used to look forward to them, and, even though they weren't perfect, i still was happy to see nexon acknowledge something and provide weekly updates. but now, every time i see a maple meme-o all i can think of is "what Bullcrap are they trying to shove down our throats this time". i'm sick of being lied to just tell me the dam truth. we all know this recent meme-o was a pile of BS and yet you felt the need to come up with a bogus excuse to try and make it sound better, its stupid. same thing with past meme-os, we all know pottable badges got removed because of black mage badge, but you monkeys wouldn't admit it and blamed it on singapore and the bots as an excuse. this list can go on and on im tired of it; i'd rather you guy not even hame maple meme-os in the first place if all you're going to do is fill it with crap.
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited August 2019
    Definitely a load of steaming crap. cubic rates weren't just slightly decreased, they were very decreased the rates are a lot lower now lmfao i used to get cubic blades and chaos blades quite often, and now they're super rare. In bera, chaos cubics used to be like 6m now they're like 20m. slight decrease

    I'm getting tired of these maple meme-os. I used to look forward to them, and, even though they weren't perfect, i still was happy to see nexon acknowledge something and provide weekly updates. but now, every time i see a maple meme-o all i can think of is "what Bullcrap are they trying to shove down our throats this time". i'm sick of being lied to just tell me the dam truth. we all know this recent meme-o was a pile of BS and yet you felt the need to come up with a bogus excuse to try and make it sound better, its stupid. same thing with past meme-os, we all know pottable badges got removed because of black mage badge, but you monkeys wouldn't admit it and blamed it on singapore and the bots as an excuse. this list can go on and on im tired of it; i'd rather you guy not even hame maple meme-os in the first place if all you're going to do is fill it with crap.

    I love this post, because it's exactly what I've been saying. It started out as "oh nexon's finally communicating" and quickly, over the past few months especially, soured into "what lies are you feeding your players today, nexon?"
  • Member, Private Tester KakeSealLord
    Reactions: 605
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited August 2019
    they have it adjusted to KMS's rates but we're not KMS we are a server nearly 15-20x smaller compared to theirs, so yeah i agree they should adjust the drop rate, especially since people who are level 270+ can only just farm droplets and nodestones in Esfera, or in Arcana, those people will have to exclusively farm in the later maps which DOESNT, DROP, DROPLETS, only nodestones, for E-mob drops.
  • Member WONDERGUY
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited August 2019
    knew its most like Philosopher's Book
    you need flames?
    you need prot scroll ?
    you need Chaos Scroll of Goodness?
    you need Clean Slate Scroll ? (20% not that 10% everyone farming. but we got that one aswell in philo...)
    you need Innocence Scroll ??
    and much more ?...

    you dont get them from elite as before ?

    dont worry we got you !
    Philosopher's Book returns.....

    frenzy removed from there aswell lol
    (gotta make that thing ultra rare so it will bait more $$$ in future)
  • Member iArrowZ
    Reactions: 1,710
    Posts: 159
    edited August 2019
    it seems like nexon has been catering to the hackers more than the players because the hackers are the only ones who benefit from this change..
    u know cus they can bot 24/7
    while us normal players..... i dont remember the last time i saw a CCB drop.. i think i have gotten 4 since i returned in July
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited August 2019
    iArrowZ wrote: »
    it seems like nexon has been catering to the hackers more than the players because the hackers are the only ones who benefit from this change..
    u know cus they can bot 24/7
    while us normal players..... i dont remember the last time i saw a CCB drop.. i think i have gotten 4 since i returned in July

    Let's not even mention all of the ill-conceived idiocy players have to put up with. Rune arrows being utterly unreadable in damn near every instance, herbs and veins having the same arrow input before you can harvest, being forced to move every hundred attacks, and a slowly increasing exp and drop penalty if you choose to ignore a rune. There are assuredly more things that I've not listed too, but what they all have in common is that they were all implemented to thwart bots, and without fail every single one, with no exceptions, has been completely ignored or circumvented by bots.

    With all this in mind, as well as added to this current dumpster fire with item drops from elite monsters, you really would get the impression that they care more about the bots than the players.