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Bishop Hs

Reactions: 1,170
Posts: 20
edited September 2019 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Hello guys, so after the merges we got more members and people to play with
now i met few people and i have a bishop who wants to grind with me and im with him its nice not going solo and the HS actually give profit to all of us
but we got "Nexoned" if i don't follow the bishop's butt i wont get the full effectiveness of the HS (holy Symbol)
now that's horribly bad cuz its just same as decent HS and its kinda ruin the Party up point now i get it that nexon wanted to nerf the HS so people wont go to a map take HS and leave
But why would i wont get the full effectiveness of HS while im in the same map with a person who's grinding with me
its like they took Pq now they're mostly useless
They took the training maps now they literally dont exist
now HS is useless
i should get the full HS buff as long as we both grind and in the same map there shouldn't be any problem with it
and the point of this discussion is to actually give a tiny buff to the HS where i can grind with someone and not be on him at all time while we grind
that the HS give full effect even if we both on a different sides of the map
( i came back recently quitted before arcane came out )
and its kinda tilting since we cant actually do something with people unless its some boss which is also weekly
thank you for your time and attention.


  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,610
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    edited September 2019
    Sadly it's due to Korea's Meta. They abused it like we abuse Kishin, so it just got nerfed into the ground.
    Nexon seems to like over correction when it comes to getting rid of current metas.
    If Nexon actually cared about players like us (the ones who actually like using parties), they'd fix these issues.
    A much better solution is to just make the skill map wide (along with all other party buffs) and fix how the anti-macro/afk code works.
    Party play has been dead for far too long. Nexon needs to stop beating this dead horse.
  • ArrorArror
    Reactions: 1,170
    Posts: 20
    edited September 2019
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    Sadly it's due to Korea's Meta. They abused it like we abuse Kishin, so it just got nerfed into the ground.
    Nexon seems to like over correction when it comes to getting rid of current metas.
    If Nexon actually cared about players like us (the ones who actually like using parties), they'd fix these issues.
    A much better solution is to just make the skill map wide (along with all other party buffs) and fix how the anti-macro/afk code works.
    Party play has been dead for far too long. Nexon needs to stop beating this dead horse.

    sure we abused kishin
    and sure if some people abuse HS BUT not everyone does that
    i rarely see someone who abuse HS like common
    if its 1 to 100
    why all the 99 who did nothing need to be punished
    nexon dont get that month ago there were over 10 worlds now there's 4
    they dont understand people quit because of their doing of nerfing and taking out everything THEY stand for
    sure maplestory is a really friendly game and all the point of it is to play together party and etc all of this (Friendship power or what so ever)
    but in reality all they do is punching us down one time after another
    and we have no reason to actually be like hey lets play
    its like we cant do anything together i dont want to solo
    lets go to another game
    i rather play league of legends where the community is bad but i still play with people and enjoy the "together" then a play solo game
    if i want a solo game i'll download counter strike and play against bots
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited September 2019
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,610
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    edited September 2019
    Arror wrote: »
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    Sadly it's due to Korea's Meta. They abused it like we abuse Kishin, so it just got nerfed into the ground.
    Nexon seems to like over correction when it comes to getting rid of current metas.
    If Nexon actually cared about players like us (the ones who actually like using parties), they'd fix these issues.
    A much better solution is to just make the skill map wide (along with all other party buffs) and fix how the anti-macro/afk code works.
    Party play has been dead for far too long. Nexon needs to stop beating this dead horse.

    sure we abused kishin
    and sure if some people abuse HS BUT not everyone does that
    i rarely see someone who abuse HS like common
    if its 1 to 100
    why all the 99 who did nothing need to be punished
    nexon dont get that month ago there were over 10 worlds now there's 4
    they dont understand people quit because of their doing of nerfing and taking out everything THEY stand for
    sure maplestory is a really friendly game and all the point of it is to play together party and etc all of this (Friendship power or what so ever)

    HS was abused in Korea, not here. They don't have Kishin so they didn't have that option.
    The next best thing they had was HS. As the OP in the previous thread explains.
    The world decrease wasn't an overnight thing. These servers have been barren for a long time and this was just Nexon cleaning up house.
    There actually weren't over 10 worlds, if you look into MapleStory's history, you'll see they've been cleaning house like this for awhile now.


    But rather than merge servers full on, they were just making them share the same game world.
    A strange solution that left a bunch of extra stuff on the main menu and some confusion about how many worlds there actually were.
  • pepepepe
    Reactions: 2,125
    Posts: 161
    edited September 2019
    I wouldn't say that we didn't abuse HS, tons of people had HS mules in cygnus garden on top of kishin. At least we have the HS node, so we didn't realistically lose that much.
  • ArrorArror
    Reactions: 1,170
    Posts: 20
    edited September 2019
    pepe wrote: »
    I wouldn't say that we didn't abuse HS, tons of people had HS mules in cygnus garden on top of kishin. At least we have the HS node, so we didn't realistically lose that much.

    sure HS node is great i agree it helps a lot
    but nerfing it that hard so it wouldn't even be a map buff?
    the point is farming with people atleast 1 extra not going full solo
    its the same as just remove party overall from the game
    it ruins it
    first the Leech go down (which i agree i can see why)
    Then the party map comes up which was amazing and great
    but then they went down
    now i cant train with someone who's 5 levels below the monster which it used to be 10 or 20 if im not wrong
    and now i cant train with my friend who came back to maple for me whos a bishop to train with me
    common thats kinda way 2 harass
    it had its benefits now since we're both high level it just decrease the EXP and make grinding worst for us since we gain less prograss
  • ApocalyptianApocalyptian
    Reactions: 2,330
    Posts: 141
    edited October 2019
    I recently came back to MapleStory with my husband after being gone for 2 years. I am a bishop, he is a mihile.
    So all the convoluted changes they made to bishop had made it not fun or even practical anymore.

    Reason 1 - they nerfed Holy Symbol.
    Yeah, they went that low....now you use it on someone and that person has to be in the vacinity of your character to have full effects of hs. If not, it is only halfway effective. (Keep in mind even beast tamer on cat mode can be partied and give an exp buff passively over a whole map!)

    Reason 2- They have most of our unique skills as decent nodestones.
    Door, Angelic Blessing, and even Holy Symbol.
    With reason 1 being said, now the decent version is more efficient sadly
  • ApocalyptianApocalyptian
    Reactions: 2,330
    Posts: 141
    edited October 2019
    I recently came back to MapleStory with my husband after being gone for 2 years. I am a bishop, he is a mihile.
    So all the convoluted changes they made to bishop had made it not fun or even practical anymore.

    Reason 1 - they nerfed Holy Symbol.
    Yeah, they went that low....now you use it on someone and that person has to be in the vacinity of your character to have full effects of hs. If not, it is only halfway effective. (Keep in mind even beast tamer on cat mode can be partied and give an exp buff passively over a whole map!)

    Reason 2- They have most of our unique skills as decent nodestones.
    Door, Angelic Blessing, and even Holy Symbol.
    With reason 1 being said, now the decent version is more efficient sadly. Why don't they have decent meditation or any other arch mage skills so we can use them the same? It's rather annoying!

    Upon returning I have found it very depressing to train seeing as everything that has made bishops unique in the past and needed is now gone. I can understand the cool downs on ultimates and things like that, I was even disappointed leech is non existent now. I train with my Kanna on anything and it gets no exp. How frustrating!

    I also learned that suddenly now the focus on life after achieving level 200 has become based on getting more range and endless boring dailies that are also sometimes frustrating to the extreme just to get more archane force. Bossing is also non-negotiable (yawn)
    It used to be about collecting things and having fun with friends. What happened? No one even goes pqing at all anymore! I wouldn't call that a positive change at all!

  • ApocalyptianApocalyptian
    Reactions: 2,330
    Posts: 141
    edited October 2019
    Yeah I hate being a bishop now, everything that made us unique or needed is gone and taken from us. I noticed explorers are the most screwed over classes over the past years and it is sad because without us you wouldn't have gotten all the other fancy classes.
    I told my husband if we didn't invest heavily billions of mesos on nodestones and the fact I been a bishop for so long I would change to an i/l arch mage.
    I'm currently 227 and feeling worthless on my main with every passing day. Being a bishop used to be so much fun and now it literally just sucks. We need a revamp for us on the gms side because even now bishops are becoming a rarity, never thought we would see that day but it's true.
    For now I been having more fun leveling my legion and just bossing on my main. I'm tired of the grind of the life after 200.