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How would you promote Maplestory in Europe?
Europe has always trudged to join Maplestory, compared to Global/N-A, how would you solve that?
How would you promote Maplestory as a game in the european society, where it's not one of the most-know names in the gaming scene?
Not "What I would change in the game" but "What I would change in the way it is promoted now"
My idea:
-youtubers/twitchers perks and rewards for the active players who get more views, etc
-stands at expos (and cosplayers) with official merchandise
-fund cosplayers to cosplay Maple characters (and that would work well for both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, btw)
Ok, these are just random ideas, got any of yours?
Last weekend I was at the Lucca Comcis&Games (it's the biggest Pop Culture fair/expo in the world, with 300k tickets sold and an whole city converted to comics&games) but I didn't see a single Maplestory merch (not even unofficial), won't even mention cosplay (uhm... next year I shall cosplay as Orchid)!
And that was a pity
I can't believe korean foreign office doesn't fund such cultural initiatives (and don't tell me mmorpg is not culture lol)
thanks for attention and contribution
they did all that back in the days but they changed so most of the players left
GMS is doing same but also a bit listen to players (Mostly because KMS says so)
there is merch store finaly from this year and bean brigade for streamers also there was maple fest
but yea mostly for nexon NA rip nexon EU
also game need care too reduce p2w,hackers,servers-ingame bug issues,
else there is no effecet from promotions
0k, but we're talking aboution promotion. Marketing and stuff.
The best kind of promotion is word of mouth imo. If Nexon can improve the way GMS is handled in general, it should get more popular all around.
This includes in Europe as well. The game is going in a good direction I feel, but the way GMS specifically is handled needs improvement.
If we want to focus on promotion now rather than after improvement, we can still use word of mouth via youtube/streamers.
MapleStory is a bit of a hard sell on streaming, so I think the best way they can promote the game is to actually play it themselves.
They'll have one of if not the biggest following (For Maple) on streaming platforms, so they should grab 6 team members from NA Nexon and just play the game in a party.
It doesn't have to be about the game itself, but rather around people just hanging out and socializing. Any game is better with friends, MMOs are designed for it.
This should help not only advertise the game itself, but improve moral of employees within the company as they'll not only have fun playing the game, but get a chance to interact with the game itself that they're working to upkeep.
Bonus points: It helps kills this horrid SoloStory that both Nexon and Players have created for themselves.
yea but you got to have product ready or that promotion
what kind of promotion will be without it ? example :
streamer goes online to show 2x grind and events
what happpends?
streamer stuck in login and disconnecting each 2min
great promotion right
players are not geting satisfied and new players get quickly disapointed
let alone when they see p2w "scams" and hackers all over the game
if nexon make changes like back in the days game wont even need promotions
this bean bridge is good and all that but so late come as last hope to grab some players if can
man ok, there are already 99million 3ds on "what Maple needs", please.
I agree, but that's a completely different cup of tea
yea but the things you wanted are allready around last year or two~
and we cant see anything more then that unless those "99milion threads" got seen/implemented @@@@@@
@@@@@@ 2018
@@@@@@ 2019
the other regions has their own events aswell
about EU part
like i said they had... but its dead for many reasons and its all GMS now
they had more then that but due to shutdown all their socials its gone
many eu players left ,nexon eu shutdown 2years ago
so yea its unlikely for any event in eu
Regardless of how unlikely, the game is still running an EU server and Nexon shouldn't ignore it completely.
A suggestion hurts nothing. The other stuff has been suggested a million times. What's wrong with a breath of fresh air?
well as nexon want
am just saying that nexon need to make priorities and work on that else we wont get anywhere with suggestion this suggestion that , as i know EU (reboot/luna) doesnt even have GM team/support or CM in eu times
am all cool with that "fresh air" but you need to clean-let out the bad air ingame first