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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Pickup Message Misaligned in Non-Korean Locales
Bug type:
Brief bug summary:
The notification that pops up on your screen when you pick up an item with potential is not properly aligned with the item name if your computer is set to a non-Korean language.
Steps to reproduce:
1. On Windows 10, go to Settings -> Time & Language -> Language (side bar) -> Administrative language settings (under "Related settings" on the right)
2. "Administrative" tab -> Under "Language for non-Unicode programs" -> Change system locale -> Select Korean (Korea).
3. Launch MapleStory and pick up an item with potential on it.
4. Go through Step 1 and 2 again but set it to English (United States).
5. Launch MapleStory and pick up an item with potential on it.
Image of when you pick up an item while set to English (United States)
Image of when you pick up an item while set to Korean (Korea)
Notice how "obtained" is lined up properly in Korean but not in English?
Character name:
Character level:
Character job:
World name:
Date and time of the incident:
New screenshot for reference.