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Account Merging Event Request
Once upon a time, there were only 3 character slots per world but 10 classes to choose from. Back then if you wanted to get around this limit you had to make multiple accounts. For a long time there was no downside in having multiple accounts. But eventually systems like Legion, Link Skills, Achievements and Challenge medals came which isn't achievable with multiple accounts. A merging event would solve this issue, the fruits of mapler's labor would be
This event would help Nexon as well. It can defeat the 2-PC meta that has been plaguing the balance of the` game. Also having less inactive accounts taking up database space would be a plus as well.
Nowadays they give out character slot coupons in practically every single event that comes around, so the notion of having multiple accounts to take advantage of free character slots is long dead.
This didn't warrant its own post so it's getting tacked onto this one.
Players who are using the 2-PC meta would not opt to merge the accounts, since that defeats the purpose of creating them in the first place.
Unless you're talking about a forced merge, in which case there is no way for Nexon to reasonably determine that two accounts are owned by the same person. Multiple players per household, VPN, false information on the account.
And people can just make new secondary accounts after such an event.
But let's say it would be possible to merge accounts, who would actually do it? Only people who have enough character slots open to house the "new" characters on their account and desperately want their 45 dexless sin from 2006 to join the squad.
Most people who made new accounts after being inactive or getting banned did so because they no longer have access to their old account in one way or another. Those people would still not be able to merge accounts due to lost information or the other account being off-rankings.
It would also open up the possibility to abuse Mega & Tera Burning for Legion and Link Skills, as you said. Besides, Legion and Link Skills are very much achievable with multiple accounts, if you have the time and knowledge.
In fact, a lot of players make secondary accounts specifically so they can have a separate full set of Legion and Link Skills for a second-main character without having to switch things around every time they want to play it.
That speaks more to how shoddy the Link Skill system is.
There are players who've been around long enough to use multiple accounts, such as myself. It was nice to get around the one event reward per player limit but I'd prefer to give that up for merge benefits.
Plus I know some other players who return will start on new accounts. For a game that relies on snowballing your progress, merged accounts would be an incentive to pick up old characters and do something with them rather than leave them picking up dust in cold storage forever. And the snowball effect can cause players to stop returning players from making new accounts.
This isn't a case of "oh I want more character slots for free", they already give them out like candy in practically every event. This is a case of "I need two accounts online at the same time".
Why would players who return start on new accounts?
If they still have access to their old account, they'll continue on that one.
And if they don't have access to it, then your merge event won't help them any.
An account-merge event could open the way to various forms of abuse, such as "my friend who quit left his account to me; I'll merge it into mine for some effortless link skills and legion mules", and also what HHG1 said.
Very few people, if any at all, would make use of such a thing, and as was pointed out previously, there'd be too much potential for abuse.