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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Issues with Handling Wondroid
Hey guys, Sofia here
I have been trying to get passed B4 while saving Eve during season 2 for at least two and a half hours now, and I have found at least 3 different bugs (spread along your android not spawning, having no hitbox, being unable to enter the vent, respawning in the wrong area, etc) that don't really prevent me from progressing (since they don't always happen), but do make a 30-minute task get REALLY irritating. I've done the usual recommendations (restart, relog, cc) to no use. In order to visualize the occurances I suggest entering the Adam jump quests (rescuing eve) through B4 and attempt to complete it at least 4 times to have a decent idea of how many things can happen that interrupt progression, not to mention the ones that don't (during B4 in any mode you can see white sprites of androids floating in the background next to the chains, I assume its unintentional since they have no skin).
I can't speak for all players unfortunately, but I have seen a few others who have experienced simular issues. The extra amount of time taken to complete the tasks in S1&2 due to coping with issues is truly big, and I can't hold back on speaking how displeased I am for investing more than two hours attempting myself to fix something that should be done in less than ten minutes.