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[Forums] More leniency on necros/thread merges
The only necrobumps I can see being useful are when there's a re-occurring bug or overlooked-for-months-bug, but even then the original post might be outdated and the bug may have significant differences compared to the current one, then it might be more organized/helpful to make a new thread and link back to the old one for reference instead of replying to the old one. That said, I don't know how threads are forwarded and how they compile information from those threads.
But I do agree that it would be helpful to have megathreads for the more frequent questions/suggestions. Like how we have the Cash Shop request thread.
As for navigation issues, the search function is absolutely awful. Rather see them fix that.
However the countless threads on suggesting Zero for reboot, for example, is there really a reason why we need a new thread every single time?
There are older suggestions that have still yet to be implemented, am I supposed to kindly bump it, months later to remind devs that such a suggestion exists?
Am I suppose to just clone the thread using a paraphrased original post because necro bumps are seen as undesired?
A continuous stream of information rather than having to jump from thread to thread seems more useful to me.
It should be, in my opinion, up to the forum posters when a thread needs a new version instead of a blanket policy of "This Zero thread is X Months old. Lock it."
its good to mention that even search thing does not work properly or i might even say its just useless
much better to google [maplestory forum] - key word/sentence -
cloud ring bug search on forum
maplestory forum cloud ring bug search on google
btw also this example i said because that rings bugs after evry other "big" patch and
people just make new threads or the new trend they just start to ignore and deal with it being broken
The problem is even if a needless post is the cause of the bump, another person may come in and restart the conversation because of that.
I still say that a thread shouldn't be locked until the thread itself derails and there's a problem with the topic itself. Much like the MS Dying Into MS2 death thread was.
Let's face it, that thread you linked has already been bumped. It's already been called to people's attention. Locking the thread now just allows someone to make a new thread to continue the conversation because it was locked before they got to input their feel (even if late) on the subject matter.
The "harm" of the necro has already been done. Locking the thread won't do a damned thing.
There are a thousand more threads to necro anyway, if you really wanted to have this system you'd just auto-lock all threads x months old.
Please Nexon, just pick one or the other. Either Necros are allowed in certain cases, or they aren't allowed at all. (Auto-lock)
Necro-bumping, on any forum, is moderated to the moderator's discretion. Not every rule is set in stone, and you have to think about how relevant the comment you're making is.
That having been said, 90% of the time your necroing a thread is not adding anything new nor is it relevant to the discussion. So if you find yourself wondering whether necro-bumping a thread is appropriate, the answer is probably "no".
The OP of the thread has not been active since November of last year. Dredging up a thread from almost a full year ago to give advice to someone who hasn't been active for four months at the least is an exercise in pointlessness. The other three have not been active in times ranging from a few weeks to several months.
-Suggestions that have not been added to the game
-Bugs that are still bugs
I say pick one or the other because according to the forum rules, it does appear to be set in stone. "Will result" implies that this is always the outcome. "Disciplinary action" is left vague, but it still implies that it's always bad to necro.
But if Necro-bumps weren't desired under certain circumstances, then threads would just auto-lock.
This gives the illusion that they'll allow a necrobump, but the rules seem to punish all necro bumps.
Locking the thread that was necro-bumped also seems to have the affect of punishing the original thread starter as well.
Sure, you've prevented the necro-poster from continuing to post. But you've also shut down the entire thread from any legitimate posts in the future.
This is also why I suggested placing all the common thread themes each into one of their own. It'll help cut back on the need for necro posts in the first place.
People who necro aren't trying to cause trouble (usually, it seems). They just don't want to clutter the forums with a question that has already been asked.
Though I'm not sure why people go around looking to answer questions that are years old. Those ones confuse the hell out of me.
I understand the reasoning. But we have certain threads locked that again, already come back from the dead constantly.
I'd like to see those threads just get merged and left open (even in unhelpful necroposts) because let's face it, the issue hasn't been resolved and people are just going to continue to drag the dead horse around until Nexon decides to do something about it.
You could basically boil this thread's suggestion down to "Stop locking threads about on-going issues until abuse starts happening."
Once a thread topic has been designated as such a thread, you can merge all future threads and lock all previous threads with a redirect to the official thread
There's still a little bit of the jumping from thread to thread like this, but only moving backwards. Moving forward it would all be one giant thread.
I hope it's clear I'm not trying to go against the wishes of Nexon or fight the VFMs, I just want these forums to be a little bit better is all.
Why was my thread locked? http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/20197/request-character-name-change-event#latest
I did bump it a few times but it was a request, nothing outdated was displayed, and I bumped it with actual UPDATED information, about the Name Change event last being seen 2 years ago. But the team decided to lock it? I don't think I saw another thread suggesting this event besides mine. This is the Suggestions, Feedback and REQUESTS forum for Christ's sake.
Technically you could be called out for 2 and 3, they already let it slide twice and nobody posted.
I'd say that was actually a good example of how they should handle all necros/bumps though.
You were given plenty of wiggly room for necros/bumps, other threads, sometimes not so much.
Still, a thread lock might not have been called for. The issue is still "on-going", we don't have a name change event.
I would say if ANYTHING, you should be warned not to post in your thread again until someone else does and call it a day.
The problem then becomes that it seems that you're the only one asking for this.
This is why I said I think the answer would be to warn you not to post in the thread again until someone else does.
Once someone else does, it's obvious that it's not just you that cares about the event.
If you're the only one posting/bumping the thread, it appears to be "spam", regardless of time taken between bumps.