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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Gollux & other revamps -> thanks but no thanks
Lovely crew,
Since the start of Maple Story, I've been here. Maple Story has been my only game for the past 15 years! Yes.
I had tonight the - for me very unfortunate - surprise of finding a modified Gollux. The conditions for playing it, as well as the requirements to get the equipment, are not motivating me any more.
Clearly to me, it means being forced to spend NX cash in order to improve my gear. I always said that I do not mind spending NX Cash, I think it is only fair toward Nexon. But to be forced to pay for something I do not wish to be involved in, like random stats? No. I wouldn't mind paying a fixed price for a sure result. And especially, what always motivated me, was to be able to improve my equipment ingame, and to spend NX cash on fun items - not on necessary ones.
This, besides the Jett revamp and others, and ... I have lost now so much motivation that I guess it's time for me to take at last a break from Maple Story. I'll come check from time to time, and hopefully alternatives to bossing will be offered to those of us who, like me, don't like it and so much prefer farming and building up skills and equips.