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Current anti-bot measures

Reactions: 2,060
Posts: 200
Member, Private Tester
edited May 2020 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
It's still uncertain how the future will go but there should be more in house discussion around the 7 day drop/trade restriction and how it is affecting the playerbase.

Pro - From my point of view, no real pro. Some might argue it's slowing down bots but...

Cons :
1) True new players. They can't trade, drop items. One person mentioned how they cannot do 4th job DB because they cannot drop their medal. People can't do zakum because they can't drop the eye of fire. The current global situation is bringing in returning and new players and their gaming experience is severely hindered.

2) Meso price. Ok so, this is actually good and bad. Good for people who want to catch some cheaper NX items from boxes since the meso price of items have dropped due to lack of supply. This is somewhat ok, however... All meso related goods/services not provided by players are still at the same rate. My main concern being starforcing. What ironically made starforcing doable when mesos were worthless were the fact that mesos were worthless. With the supply of mesos lower, there should be some considerations in place for in-game services which act as a meso dump.

3) Server situation. Slowing down botting didn't help the servers. The servers are still at an all time low in performance and even though bots get banned (and pretty well might I add considering there are absolutely 0 protection scrolls for sale in the AH), the performance of the servers continue to make the game unplayable. Personally it just seems like botters are trying even harder to push to find a way to bypass the bans and if they do then the legit playerbase are still stuck unable to enjoy basic in-game functions while there's no difference in botting.

It's truly a weird situation. We all complain about bots and we know that NexonNA is trying but for the love of God, unless there's a better mechanism to properly counteract botters stop making the game less and less enjoyable by punishing legit players.


  • HuskyDMHuskyDM
    Reactions: 3,745
    Posts: 378
    edited May 2020
    I think the 7 day ban is terrible. You shouldn't hinder bots with in game measures, you should hinder them from entering the game in the first place. We don't even know what measures are in place to fight against botting nor their effectiveness because we are not told the numbers.
  • L4d2jpnL4d2jpn
    Reactions: 2,060
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    edited May 2020
    We are told the number of account banned through the CM's banned accounts posts.

    Considering the fact that I have not seen a single protection scroll in the AH is living proof that bot accounts aren't currently getting past day 7. Which honestly sucks for both sides. Legit players unable to buy the botted boss items at a cheap price, botters not making money, botters still botting and hindering server performance this making the game not enjoyable for the legit players.

    I hate botters but they had their benefits. Players could upgrade their gear without needing to resort to full on pay 2 win because one form of transaction is fully dependent upon player 2 player and the other is a static entity which is controlled by a company who doesn't keep up with the current nx:meso pricetag.

    If botting died completely, the game could adjust properly for that. You have more stable servers, you have a stable market.

    If botting exists, servers are unstable but getting to endgame becomes easier because endgame is a grindfest+meso sinkfest. Almost all endgame stuff has to be purchased via rmt because the in-game cap is nowhere near close.

    Right now, botting exists but without its benefits. The servers are completely on fire and as soon as stored botted meso supplies are gone, just starforcing an item to 20 can easily become a year's worth of work in normal servers.

    That's what I'm annoyed with. we have the server performance of bots but without any of its benefits.
  • GasteroGastero
    Reactions: 670
    Posts: 11
    edited May 2020
    Protection scrolls are not listed in the auction house because they no longer drop from any mob in the game, not due to the absence of bots. However, the meso market rates do indicate that whatever measures Nexon has been taking recently are effective, at least for now. But on the long, I do think that the 7 day drop/trade restriction is something that botters will easily circumvent and that will only bother new players. And the permanent damage bots have done to the economy is another major concern, since it will only create a gap between players who have made massive progress on “cheap” mesos, rebirth flames, cubic (chaos) blades etc. and new players who try to progress in the current economy.
  • L4d2jpnL4d2jpn
    Reactions: 2,060
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    edited May 2020
    Gastero wrote: »
    Protection scrolls are not listed in the auction house because they no longer drop from any mob in the game

    That makes me quite sad, and I feel lied to.
  • ProphetieProphetie
    Reactions: 915
    Posts: 82
    edited May 2020
    L4d2jpn wrote: »
    If botting exists, servers are unstable but getting to endgame becomes easier because endgame is a grindfest+meso sinkfest. Almost all endgame stuff has to be purchased via rmt because the in-game cap is nowhere near close.

    You seem to think bots actually make things easier for legit player while they're the reason why our starforce system was made more expensive and the market prices are so high.
    Without bots, you could buy the same items at a fraction of the price and Star Force at KMS' rates