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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
I had a trolble with my region i have chosen
I created my account in year 2018 and i chose my rerigon is Japan (it's a mistake!!!!). I play MS still normal but in year 2020, i can'g log in MS
I write a ticket bot GM said "Unfortunately, the location associated with the account is not within our supported region. We will not be able to change the Country Code as you are requesting." Please show me the way to change my region, i love MS so much and i want to play with my friend
The Japanese Maplestory service (JMS) is wholly separate from the Global Maplestory service (GMS), so it's impossible to convert between one and the other, and a character transfer would not be available either.
Many players do possess separate accounts in other regions, so this isn't much of an issue, but you would have to create new characters for GMS.
When doing so, please double-check the region limitations to ensure you can play.