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Make nightghosht guide proc when jumping

Reactions: 3,270
Posts: 603
edited June 2020 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Not being able to proc it when using shikigami haunnting and jumping isnt a good desig imo, its not logical to force the player to not jump whenn its a feature of the game.
Also id love to get more skills to proc nightgosht guide pls, kanna has a lot of skills yet without many procing it youre oblied to use only a small kit otherwise you dont have 100%kish uptime.
Also the new kishin cd feature is extremelly annoyig and not rewarding for the players ad community. nexon please stop punishing players for wanting to play the game.


  • zmintzmint
    Reactions: 635
    Posts: 18
    edited June 2020
    I agree :)