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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Revert Gollux Revamp/Make bosses one CLEAR per day
I don't know what nexon was thinking with the Gollux buff or why they put one chance per day but I'm sure most; if not every player would like to see the old gollux back. since the buff of gollux there has been game breaking bugs in that boss and nothings been done to fix it. cant respawn if killed on second phase, teleporter not working. very disappointed. so there's my feedback.
Here's my suggestion.
Revert it back? or Make it one successful CLEAR per day
simple. if the whales that buy meso from 3rd parties want gollux to be harder make a chaos gollux mode. hard gollux should be a hard(er) version of normal, easy version of hellux, with fewer drops. normal gollux should be the hard version of easy with normal gollux penny drops and a CHANCE for a gollux coin drop but that's not the case. the hp gaps between normal and hard is ludicrous. you either go in and one shot kill normal gollux in 2 seconds or you go in and spend 20minutes trying to kill hard gollux, the gap is stupid and not fun or rewarding.
Balance the boss HP better. & Make bosses one CLEAR per day
as it is now I'm at the point where I'm able to 1 shot kill normal bosses but when i go to hard its like *hell chaos never gonna do it even if you know the mechanics because you're not strong enough mode*
I shouldn't be able to go in and 1 shot kill normal bosses then when i try the hard version its about 1000x more hp. what kind of balance is that? that's not fun for me and i would assume its not fun for anyone else with my attack range trying to get stronger through boss drops. I may aswel go one shot a snail in lith harbor. that's about the same feeling i get when i do normal bosses because i don't gain anything from the normal drops. there's hell/chaos versions for a reason. hard should be our gateway to get the end game gear we need at a slower pace so we can go and kill hell/chaos to get higher amounts of coins/end game gear that we can either sell or transfer to our alts.
stop catering to the whales that buy meso from 3rd parties that are about the only ones that can kill chaos/hell bosses. even a calculator couldn't count the amount of players that have quit because they're bored of just being able to do normal bosses and feeling like they'll never be able to do hard. the days of partying up for bosses is gone and has been gone since big bang. its time to re-balance. either that or make the drops individual to the player not a free for all grab so people will want to party up
in all honesty I'd be happy if we could just get one clear per day, its not too much to ask really. the way Gollux is now its a month to get a single superior gear and that's if you clear it every day which isn't the case for most people. /rant over
Lotus - 700bil
Hellux ~800bil
While everyone fantasizes Arcanes as end-game gear, the more easily replaceable Absolab gear can work almost as well. So they wanted to re-balance the boss to give rewards on average about the same time (25 days of Hellux - vs ~4-5 weeks per Abso - Although abso can be shortened to even 1-2 weeks if you have more characters about to do the dailies)
Due to the nature of the boss rewards, where would you draw the line as a clear is them problem. They seem to not want to allow you to carry your friends and still get gear yourself so that means you would have to put the clear after you kill the eye but before rewards drop, which then leads back to not wanting you to carry your friends
Which the best solution to the problem would actually be put a 30 min wait timer if you fail, and if your previous party clears within that time, it would cause you to clear too (See Magnus or CRA doors).
While I still feel like 25 days is to long and would hope to see it one day reduced to something like 14 days. The best agreement they could reach on this matter to help alleviate player frustration with the boss is to do the CRA 30 min CD after each attempt.
Or if the rest of the party manages to finish the boss off then the person that died would just respawn in the rewards room with them if they didnt click "respawn to the nearest town" but if the rest of the party dies then everyone gets booted to try again. There must be a way!
I guess i would deem the run as a clear if you were to go to the rewards room after the end cutscene for gollux. And you should be able to carry friends if you have the means too. Thats what friends are for right? Lol.
I know i wouldnt have gotten to where i am today without some of my friends carrying me through a few boss runs and im sure some of my other friends wouldnt be where they are today without me carrying them, thats what makes it fun is being able to play content with your friends and everyone gets rewarded for doing so! Ive made life long friends in the process but nowadays everyone is solo this and solo that and solo dailies, its just not about coming together anymore which makes me so upset that nexon has gone this route.
Just last night i helped 2 lower level players kill cygnus, never met them before but we had fun doing it and we all got rewarded and they were so thankful and happy because they got to do content that they never thought they would be able to do.
i'd say if 2 ppl kill it both get the half of max coins so there wouldn't be some guys carrying mules around like with old gollux.
Kms is a grindfest full of people that have hard ons for grinding, gms is completely the opposite. And as latemaster said, the exp is laughable at 200 so i dont get what pointyoure getting at. Im suggesting we have one clear per day incase the game bugs out when your in the boss, say you dc and get booted, or the mechanis bugged out and you died 5 times instantly from lazer spawn/spawn on gollux hand grab **** like this happens alot more than you think, its not out fault so why should we be punished for it?