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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Pet auto buff not working in dark sight
Bug type:
Cash item, functionality
Brief bug summary:
Pets will not auto buff you while the skill dark sight is active.
More details:
If a skill that a pet is supposed to auto buff happens to run out while in dark sight, it will not be activated by the pet until you leave dark sight. This makes the pet auto buff skill unreliable for shadowers, since they spent much time attacking in dark sight. You must therefore leave dark sight or activate the skill manually. I have asked other shadowers and they have confirmed that this is also the case for them.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Log in on a shadower and obtain a pet with the Auto Buff Skill from the Cash Shop.
2. Assign a certain skill (for example dagger booster) to the pet auto buff slot.
3. Activate dark sight.
4. Disable the skill that you assigned to the pet in step 2 by right clicking it on the top right of the screen or wait until it runs out.
5. The pet will not auto buff.
6. Disable dark sight.
7. The pet will now auto buff.
Character job: