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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Withstand node not working
Bug type:Ingame system
Brief bug summary:When i equip special node "Withstand" (gives 10sec invincibility after hitting 100 times in 30sec timer is reset if 100 hit isn't performed in 30sec) it doesn't seem to activate at all. Tried on several bosses (it doesn't say it doesn't work on bosses) and also in grind maps and even by having way over 100 hits(skillcasts) in 30 sec it doesn't activate.
Character name: latercedes
Character level: 250
Character job: Mercedes
World name: Luna
Date and time of the incident: 3.7.2020 2:30 gmt +2
Nexon bad localization definition is
Hit - get hit by a monster
Attack - you hitting the monster
Orangemushroom description is bit more clear on the activation requirement.
Throw yourself into the lava near zakum if you want to test it specifics.
Generally that is why it's considered better to simply dismantle special nodes rather than equip them.
Withstand might not be the best for bossing. Mobbing, maybe, but definitely not bossing.