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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
commerci droprate rebalancing
Last patchnotes mentioned that droprates for cubes was adapted to the difficulty of the boss and cube fragments were removed from the drop list.
Although I can't be sure I'm fairly certain that this also affect Commerci droprates.
I've been doing commerci daily for the past few months and I've never seen such a streak of only meso drops.
So I have two questions.
1. Did the commerci droprates get adapted or are the removed cube fragments just turned into meso-only drops (or both) ?
2. If the answer to question 1 was yes, can we get a rebalance of these droprates. Watching the goldbag pop up every time is very demotivating and borderline depressing.
(feel free to share your own experiences, if it's the case I can't be the only one that noticed)