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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Extra SP points Dual Blade?
I recently got back into Maplestory and decided I wanted to main my DB, so when I was leveling, I noticed that I had an extra 10 SP points on my II+ tab. I've unlocked all the mastery books and everything as well. Everything is maxed out in the II+ tab. My skill point distribution looks like this:
II tab:
Fatal blow-0
Slash storm-20
katara booster-10
channel karma-10
physical training-5
II+ tab:
flying assaulter-20
Upper stab-10
I don't know what I'm missing or if there was a bug whenever the class was created cause I'm pretty sure I made this character whenever DB first came out, but if someone knows the issue, I'd really appreciate it!