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Make ShadowKnight Coins Tradeable

Member Skunk
Reactions: 1,010
Posts: 6
edited May 2021 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
At the current state of the game, not many maplers are doing the Phantom Forest dailies for the Best in Slot ring Glona’s Heart. The reason is that it simply takes too long to fully star force the ring, as calculated it will take about 25,000 coins on average to get the ring to 22 stars. Even with the buffs to the amount of coins we can get from the Phantom Forest dailies, and the introduction of ShadowKnight coins to the Gollux shop, there are still not that many players going for these coins.

In regards to the Gollux shop, it is 5 Gollux Coins for 1 ShadowKnight coin. With a Hellux kill, you are likely to get 30 Gollux Coins, which is 6 ShadowKnight coins per day. If players were just to do this daily, it would take them about 4,167 (25,000/6 = 4166.666) runs of Hellux to get a 22* Glona ring. Which is still quite a long time. If we factor in Hellux carries (6 Hellux runs across 6 different characters per day), that would be 36 ShadowKnight coins a day, which would be about 695 runs of Hellux (on 6 characters) to get a 22* Glona ring.

Even with this, players are still not going for the Glona Ring. If you don’t already have 22* on everything, then it is faster for you to just buy Gollux gear as backups to get stronger. Or if you already have all your gear at 22*, you can make some meso by selling Gollux gear in the Auction House (if you are on a regular server). There is not really a case where users would be buying ShadowKnight coins due to both of these cases.

However, if ShadowKnight coins were tradeable, this would eliminate the problem. Users would be able to buy their 6 ShadowKnight coins a day to sell for some meso that would arrive faster than saving up 700 coins for a superior equip (which is about 24 days of Hellux) and if maplers want some additional meso, they can try to do the Phantom Forest dailies as well. Then players in regular servers who decide to actually go for a 22* Glona's Heart could buy these coins in the Auction House.

Since I don’t play Reboot, I’m not entirely sure about this, but if you get 22* on all of your Gollux equips, it would bring back an incentive to do Gollux again for these end game players (as they can’t get additional Gollux equips to transfer over to a mule, because they can’t trade over equips). But if the ShadowKnight coins were tradeable, Reboot players would be able to get Hellux carries on their mules, then trade over all of the ShadowKnight coins to one character (as the coins are an ETC item, which I believe Reboot players can trade through storage) to significantly speed up the process of getting a 22* Glona.

For example, if a player got 50 mules carried per day, that would be 50*6=300 ShadowKnight coins a day. This would mean that after about 84 days of Hellux carries, they would be able to get a 22* Glona Ring. This significantly speeds up the process of getting a 22 star Glona’s Ring, while still maintaining the difficulty of getting coins. Players would be able to dedicate as much time as they want to get more ShadowKnight coins. As if they want more coins, they can get more mules up to level 180 to access Gollux and would have to find parties that are carrying mules.

With the future changes of Vanishing Journey and Chu Chu dailies giving more Arcane Symbols, 84 days of doing Gollux on 50 mules would be about the same amount of time as getting one of these symbols to level 20. With Chu Chu, the amount of symbols obtained from the PQ will be doubled, which will be about 30 symbols a day plus the 4 from the hunt quest. This equals 34 symbols per day. To go from a level 1 symbol to a level 20 symbol, it takes a total of 2,679 arcane symbols to fuse. So to get a level 20 Chu Chu symbol, it would take about 79 days of dailies. So by making the ShadowKnight coins tradeable, it would still take longer than maxing an arcane symbol to obtain a 22* Glona, which I believe proves that it is not game breaking, as it is still a massive time requirement to complete this ring, and that is under the assumption that you are running Hellux on 50 mules every day.

TLDR: Make ShadowKnight coins fully tradeable, so that players would be able to either:
A: Sell them in the Auction House to obtain a small amount of meso compared to saving up 700 coins for a superior equip
B: Be able to farm more ShadowKnight coins per day via the Phantom Forest dailies and Gollux on more characters, to achieve a faster (while still not game breaking) 22* Glona Ring.


  • Member MapleSapo
    Reactions: 745
    Posts: 84
    edited May 2021
    I never noticed this ring, BUT just by reading this I KNOW I will never go after it. You said a player would need 4,167 runs of Hell Gollux (if we divide this by 365 days we have 11.4 YEARS to get this item on a single character which (and I think I can speak for most players) is INSANITY.
    Then you said if we went to Hellux with 50 characters per day (still insane imo) we get 300 coins/day, or 84 days of Hellux carries, again, with 50 characters!
    I will not be repetitive and quote all the other details, but I believe anyone who reads all the info you brought us would agree that this ring is so hard/exaustive to get that is almost pointless to even try.

    The only solution to this situation imo is to make it a LOT easier to obtain/enhance or just removing it (which will eventually happen if people don't start to see a point on going to Phantom Forest. This place (along with NLC) has so much potential, but even after its revamp it still pointless. They should bring back CWKPQ and make these coins available by doing it, and lower the number of coins needed to enhance the ring.