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Make Boss Equip Loot Bigger or Revert Pet Changes

Reactions: 2,680
Posts: 84
edited June 2021 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
I realize we are due in late October/November for the change that makes equipment drop bigger, but that's far too many months for the sake of Reboot Hard Boss parties, mainly Hard Will. The change I'm discussing is the one that caused pets to ignore all "shared boss loot" when in parties of more than 1 player. It mainly is an issue for Reboot though it has some merit to being problematic in non-Reboot servers as well.

As it stands, in at least 95% of situations (in the unlikely event that a hard boss drops a rare piece of equipment), it is impossible to tell that it dropped at all or in the case of Hard Will, what color book he dropped. This is a horrendous problem because many parties designate which player is to loot which book (no trading in Reboot). This was never an issue before because pets could loot all the junk that bosses drop (occult cubes/honor exp/etc.) which would leave the equips (that were put on pet item ignore) in plain sight for everyone to see. Yes, there were situations where people would leave their pet loot completely on, steal a book, and keep quiet about it. But by and large, parties are formed by friends or trustworthy people and at least they have the choice of handing off the loot to the proper player. And now we can't do that because pets will not pick up honor exp and occult cubes which cover the items that people farm for for many months (in some cases years) and leave them indistinguishable from the junk around them. Nobody cares about the honor exp or occult cubes. I doubt players would be upset if they were completely removed from the drop table.

Because of the change we aren't left with many options for splitting book drops for Will. This is completely unfair to us because the changes benefit almost no one and hurt Hard Will parties tremendously across the board.

Now we are forced to:
-Have one person loot all the books each week and swap people next week (loot rotation, which can cause people to get books they don't want ideally and then have a different party member take the book that the originally player wanted during the other player's loot week)
-Everyone loot FFA
-Have one person loot any book that drops until they get one then go down the line of the roster
-Simply not allow newer members to loot for books at all (making it harder to assemble parties)
-??? I don't know honestly. We don't have good options.

We don't really have any good options and I'm honestly just gonna call it a straight up nerf that we did not deserve. Please either allow our pets to loot the shared junk (honor exp and occult cubes) OR make the book drops annoyingly big as soon as possible. Don't leave this issue unattended for 3-4 more months or longer. These drops are so stupidly rare as is and some players can go 3+ years without seeing a single book drop (150+ weeks of Hard Wills). It's incredibly frustrating that a change with no seeming benefit can catastrophically affect parties and their ability to rightfully claim insanely rare equipment (which how rare they are is another issue entirely).

Try to imagine showing up for 100+ of these bosses only for someone to get the book drop you wanted on their week of loot rotation. Any player who actually plays Maplestory can sympathize with how that might feel. The system before was significantly better when we actually had a choice in who loots what. There was no reason to take that away from us. Please do something about it Nexon.


  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited June 2021
    I agree this is an annoyance, and hope the solution will be expedited.
    A workaround, for now, is to have someone with full equip inventory loot all the junk, so that the books become visible.
  • KezrauxKezraux
    Reactions: 1,095
    Posts: 35
    edited June 2021
    Easier option... just make the book an instanced item that only drops as the stat of the person it dropped for.
  • pepepepe
    Reactions: 2,125
    Posts: 161
    edited June 2021
    Yep, especially if the will book is stacked at the ends of the map behind a pile of honor medals and cubes and we don't even know who should loot.