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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
A Question Regarding An Old Friend Event...
Hello, I was talking with some guildmates regarding events / quests / maps that we enjoyed back in the day, and one of the topics that were brought up was the 2x weekend event. After talking about it a bit and trying to think back to why exactly those events were removed altogether, I wasn't really able to remember what lead up to this removal, and so here I am asking about what exactly lead to the disappearance of 2x weekend events.
And to briefly preface, I understand that we now have Sunny Sundays as a different version, but Sunny Sundays focus more on event currency gains and specific benefits for the player rather than a broader buff, so I personally do not see these as a replacement to them.
For all iterations of the 2x Exp/Drop weekends, why exactly they were removed?
Any and all info/resources/answers would be appreciated so long as it has been directly confirmed by Nexon or other closely affiliated group(s). As much as I'd like to speculate with others regarding the scope of potential reasons as to why they removed it, I'm more asking for confirmed information at the moment.
I'm sure the VFMs have some additional context on the matter, but of course as it is for everything involving technical changes for the game, I understand that you cannot disclose certain things. So, with that in mind, any information to any capacity regarding the removal of 2x weekend events from you guys would be greatly appreciated.