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Burning World gear progress?

Reactions: 530
Posts: 5
edited August 2021 in General Chat
Hey yall. I returned to Maple Story a week ago out of boredom and nostalgia. I created Kanna and Beast Tamer there. Both of them are level 175 now. Gear progression basically stopped at Frozen set. I got normal horntail ring, pendant, earrings and face accessory from Zakum too.

How do I progress further for more damage or am I at the progression WALL that won't allow me to progress unless I get carried by someone? or is there a way to progress towards harder bosses?

Currently I do Zakum normal, Horntail normal, 3 bosses in Root Abyss and Hilla.

Is Pensalir set an upgrade from Frozen set or my next upgrade is CRA or other sets? I have my gear at 10 stars and scrolled with some potential from occult cubes lol.