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Characters Buff:

Reactions: 100
Post: 1
Dear Maple,

i have been playing maple for awhile now and i came across the class buccaneer and the class suits it for me. however it is really disappointing that it is the weakest class among the new characters. you guys are forcing me to create a certain characters to be able to experience maple to get a hang in game, the OP/Forcing us to make for example : (Kanna & Adele & Ark), as this is the majority of people are playing maple which came really boring to grind and level with other characters and it made me hate the game on an honest note the game balancing is really broken which u can balance all classes to make them fun and enjoyable for the user to play instead of making him suffer.

Thanks & best regards


  • AcidtongueAcidtongue
    Reactions: 1,325
    Posts: 61
    edited August 2021
    "which u can balance all classes"

    This isn't as easy as you think. Two things here tho. First off just cause adele and such are on the top of the list for dps charts that doesnt mean other classes are weak. It's not 1-100 it's more like 80-100. Secondly it comes to mobility/mobbing. Adele can map clear easily and for cosair which is one of the first classes ever their skills are a bit outdated. Updating skills tho isnt an easy thing either. People fuss when classes have similar skills and Nexon is trying to make new classes feel new instead of just reskinned classes.

    Play a class you enjoy. Damage will come from gear (starforce, potentials, flames). Sure my own class I play I would love some tweaks about it but I still play it cause I love it.