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Performance issues in v.227 Bugcat Capoo update

Reactions: 725
Posts: 7
edited October 2021 in Bug Reporting
Ever since the Bugcat Capoo update came out, I've been having random framerate drops on various maps. The issue is worse on some maps than others, and doesn't occur at all on some maps:

Literally unplayable
Esfera: Living Spring (1-7)
Hungry Muto map

Some slowdown
Esfera: Mirror-touched Sea (2-4)
Lachelein Clocktower: Nightmare Clocktower (1F-5F)
Erda Spectrum map
*Changing between any maps*

Minor/no performance issues since new patch
All bosses
All towns

The framerate issues also differ depending on which character I'm using, and are much worse on my bowmaster than any other character. It's particularly bad when casting my buffs.

Bug type: Gameplay, performance

Brief bug summary: Framerate drop when casting buffs and occasionally when attacking.

More details: Varies depending on map and character, worst on the Bowmaster.

Steps to reproduce: Cast buffs and attack skills

Character name: isnipesnails

Character level: 236

Character job: Bowmaster

World name: Bera

Date and time of the incident: Every day since the v.227 update, but the videos below were taken between the 9th and 11th of October

Framerate issues:

No/minor framerate issues:

The flickering between Youtube and Maplestory in the second video is likely an Nvidia screen recorder issue, I didn't see it when playing.

I have restarted my computer and closed all other programs, it makes no difference. Before the recent update, the game ran fine with multiple programs running. CPU/GPU/RAM usage is normal, and temperatures are normal.

I've tried defaming someone, but it didn't fix the issue.


  • BrooooBroooo
    Reactions: 510
    Posts: 5
    edited October 2021
    I been having the same exact problem, I CAN'T play ''Hungry Muto PQ'' because of this severe lagg that occurs upon entering the map. Therefor missin out on 15x daily symbols on my Demon Slayer for everyday missed. please fix this ASAP.