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Beast Tamer: Cat Mode: Gameplay Changes

Reactions: 2,045
Posts: 497
edited January 2022 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Cat mode is long overdo for a skill update because they are very outdated in both being too weak for modern maple and feeling really clunky and not fun to play. Cat's Cradle Blitzkrieg and Meow Card: Gold Card just got updated to modern standards, but the rest of the kit needs a little bit of lovings!

Main identity to keep is for Cat to be a hard support, buffer, enchanter, and healer identity and work on making them more fun and engaging for the player to actually want to play in Cat Mode the entire time.


Example Changes (All skills will be based on their max skill level):

Ball of Yarn: (Renamed from Friend Launcher) (Mostly reworked skill)
Throw a Ball of Yarn a long distance forward, dealing 300% damage 4 times to enemies it passes through, up to 8 enemies.

Cat Wit: (Now has an active component)
Passive: Gain +100 INT.

Active: Place Arby the Cat to stand at a location for 60 seconds and periodically damage up to 3 enemies near him for 250% damage 2 times.

If Arby catches a Ball of Yarn, he will pulse out an aura around him to heal all party members (including self) for 20% HP and deal 300% damage to enemies 4 times.

Kitty Battle Squad:
Passive Aura: Give +35 Weapon ATT and Magic ATT to all party members (including self).

Kitty Treats: (Now has an active component)
Passive Aura: Give +500 and +15% HP and MP to all party members (including self). [Currently only gives +625 HP/MP]

Active: Throw down delicious biscuits around you, up to 6, to restore 40% HP and MP for either yourself or party members. Press the up arrow key to consume a delicious biscuit.
30 seconds cooldown.

Passive: Gain +100% Stance and restore +4% HP and MP every 4 seconds. [Currently +30% Stance and restores +100 HP and MP every 4 seconds]

Sticky Paws:
Passive Aura: Give +30% Item Drop Rate to all party members (including self). [Currently +20% Item Drop Rate, buff up to match Bishop's Holy Symbol]

Meow Heal:
Fire a large yarn of love forward to heal party members and yourself for 300% recovery. [Currently is only 20% recovery, Bishop's Heal is 300% recovery]

Hawk's Claw: (Renamed from Cat's Claw) (Now has an active component)
Passive Aura: Give +30% Critical Chance and +10% Critical Damage to all party members (including self).

Active: Place Eka the Hawk to stand at a location for 60 seconds and summons 4 Baby Hawks to attack nearby enemies in a wide range, each dealing 100% damage 2 times to 1 enemy periodically.

If Eka catches a Ball of Yarn, she will ravage the nearby area, dealing 300% damage 4 times and applying a 10% Critical Damage debuff for party members and yourself for 10 seconds.

Meow Cure:
Cure all nearby party members and yourself of magic effects and abnormal status effects at 100% chance.
5 seconds cooldown.

Purr Zone: (Reworked skill) (This can now critically strike)
Place an aura of love at the location for 15 seconds, periodically dealing 400% damage 5 times to up to 8 enemies and cause party members within the zone to take 25% less damage, including % HP attacks.
90 seconds cooldown.

Meow Card:
Draw a card at a random chance to apply a buff for party members and yourself for 180 seconds.
30 seconds cooldown.

Red Card: +40% Damage.
Blue Card: +25% HP and MP and +200 Defense.
Green Card: +2 Attack Speed and +20 Speed.

Ball of Yarn - Enhance: (Renamed from Friend Launcher - Enhance)
Passive: Gain +100% damage to Ball of Yarn and its interaction with Cat Wit and Hawk's Claw.
Cat Wit can hit up to 6 enemies and hits +2 more times.
Hawk's Claw now summons +4 more Baby Hawks.

Lei's Insight: (Renamed from Mouser's Insight) (Active component added)
Passive Aura: Give +20% Ignore Enemy Defense to all party members and yourself.

Active: Place Lei the Snow Leopard at a location for 60 seconds and if you jump on Lei, then she will fling you high into the air and cannot be knocked back by any attack while airborne from this, this can occur once every 2 seconds for yourself and every 10 seconds for party members.

If Lei catches a Ball of Yarn, then she claws in front of her in a massive area, dealing 800% damage 10 times to up to 15 enemies. This interaction can occur once every 30 seconds.

Fire Bear! (Rename from Fire Kitty!) (Partially reworked skill)
Summon Fort the Bear to roll around for 15 seconds, dealing 800% damage 3 times upon contact with enemies and reducing their Defense by 40% for 15 seconds.

If Fort catches a Ball of Yarn, then he burns with fiery passion for 2 seconds to roll faster and lay down flames that remain for 5 seconds, these flames periodically deal 400% damage 4 times and causes enemies within to take 10% Final Damage for party members and yourself.

Meow Revive: (Updated and buffed up)
Revive all nearby party members and make them and yourself invincible for 8 seconds with a successful revive. Reviving a party member this way will restore 1 life count to the revived party member(s) for places with life counts.
Cooldown 600 seconds.

Gold Card:
Passive: Grant all 3 buffs of Meow Card at the same time at 100% chance.

Friends of Arby:
Passive Aura: Give +50% Bonus Experience Points to all party members and yourself. (Currently +30% EXP, buffed up to match Bishop's Holy Symbol)

Cat's Cradle Blitzkrieg:
Summon an area of entangled yarn for 10 seconds, dealing 1,000% damage 1 time once to enemies that make contact and making them vulnerable to attacks for 20 seconds. Vulnerable enemies take 20% increased Final Damage from party members and yourself.
Cooldown 180 seconds.