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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
[Hoyoung], [DC by Skill-usage], [Random]
Two Dcs in short succesion supposedly caused by [Earth: Stone Tremor]
Skill used succesfully->
Damge occured= Skill animation still visible = Damage number still visible->
Game freezes followed by shutdown of Game/Task
Occured with and without cloned version.
Resolution in usage: 1920 x 1080 ( 16 : 9 ) - Beta
V-Sync: Enabled
Windowed: Enabled
Changing to 1366 x 768 ( 16 : 9 )
Windowed: Disabled
Reporting back when Workaround won't work.
Best regards
Guess it's easy to repliacate.
Won't use [Earth: Stone Tremor] again.