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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Selective 8-slot Coupon gives only 4 equip slots.
Bug type: Possible item malfunction
Brief bug summary: I used a selective 8-slot coupon to expand my equip slots and instead of 8 added slots, only 4 were added.
More details: I received the coupon as part of the [2022 Explorer Redux Gifts]. I know it was a "Selective 8-Slot Coupon" because the gift provides EIGHT of these coupons. I used TWO of them on ETC and USE slots and they both gave 8 additional slots respectively. When I used the Selective 8-Slot Coupon to expand my EQUIP slots, only 4 were added. I used 3 coupons in order in one sitting: USE, ETC, and EQUIP. I tried exiting the game and relogging.
(anything not included in the other sections of your report)
Steps to reproduce: Used 1x "Selective 8-Slot Coupon" on a previously unexpanded equipment tab.
(if not covered in the summary)
Character name: NanoxFire
Character level: 196
Character job: F/P Archmage
World name: Bera
Date and time of the incident: 6/17/22, appx 1445 EST
(mention your time zone if you aren't posting Pacific time)