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UI Lockout with Home Storage

Reactions: 200
Post: 1
edited August 2022 in Bug Reporting
Bug type: Lockout

Brief bug summary: Large UIs such as Starlight Chariot, and Threads of fate become unusable, along with being unable to talk to Home NPC (Caretaker tab as well), Visit Random House, access Home Setting UI, Enter Cash Shop, leave home map through portal, use Storage, or interact with furniture.

Steps to reproduce: Reproduced multiple times across 2 characters. I believe this bug stems from being locked out/timed out of the storage when logging into a character.

1. Be unable to access storage (I tried Henesys Park and Burning Cernium storage)
2. Access Home via the Menu tab - I currently have Beach Townhouse Extended version
3. Try to access storage (Tried with Cash Register Storage). You can withdraw an item, and then try to re-access the storage (this should apply the storage cooldown)
4. If you are locked out of storage and are unable to access it, you will lose ability to perform things listed in the "Brief Bug Summary"
5. Logging out DOES reset, however waiting does not reset (waited 40 minutes to test)

Character name: Byssu / Jünimo

Character level: 268 / 241

Character job: Corsair / Lara

World name: Reboot (NA)

Date and time of the incident: 11pm EST August 28th, 2022