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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Bug type: Skin color
Brief bug summary: Created a new Explorer character and picked tan. It was tan in the pick character menu too after connecting to the reboot server the first time. Then in the start of the tutorial of the character it turned white and stayed white after.
Steps to reproduce:1. Create New Explorer Character
2.Choose Tan as Skin Color
3. Start the character the first time
4.Character turns white in start of the game
Character name: ElRobinHood
Character level: 43
Character job: Hunter
World name: Reboot
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create New Explorer Character
2.Choose Tan as Skin Color
3. Start the character the first time
4.Character turns Pale in start of the game
Character name: UmbralBayo
Character level: 1
Character job: Explorer
World name: Reboot
Character name: UmbralStile
Character level: 1
Character job: Explorer
World name: Reboot
Thank you for your report. I have forwarded this to the team, please let us know if you encounter any other issues.
Happy Mapling!