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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Unit Damage Skin - Decimal Issue
Hi. After v.237, various unit damage skins were altered, and are not fixed as of v.238.
Bug Description - When attacking a monster the decimal that is supposed to separate the numbers and units of the damage skin appear behind the numbers instead of in front of or between them. This makes it difficult to read the actual number of your damage. For example 325.5 M appears as 3255 M.
From my experience I can confirm the following unit skins to have this issue:
Basic Damage Skin (Unit)
Party Quest Damage Skin (Unit)
Chu Chu Festival Damage Skin (Unit)
Here is an example of what the Chu Chu unit skin looks like in action. As you can see it is difficult to read, as the decimal is barely visible