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Revert Transposing Change

Reactions: 2,680
Posts: 84
edited March 2023 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
With the recent patch, transposing was changed so that flames (additional/bonus options) are not transferred during transposing items. The patch notes state: "If a Rebirth Flame is used after transposition, there was a phenomenon where the stats were lower compared to before, so the bonus stats were changed so that they are not transferred during transposition."

This could have been a poor translation or even just an outright lopsided way of hiding the obvious intent of the nerf, but the way it's phrased it almost seems like a misunderstanding so I'll explain in the off-chance that it is. The simple reason why the flame score lowered was simply because non-boss items (sweetwater gears and zero weapon) receive lower flamescores than boss flame items (dominator pendant/dawn pendant etc. that are commonly used for transposing). This change is a huge nerf to the content because we're effectively losing 60+ flamescore now and the other aspects of transposing don't nearly compensate.

And while I'm on the topic, Superior drops from Gollux ARE boss-drop items but do NOT receive boss-flames, so this doesn't seem right, either. Would be nice to get some clarity on why this hasn't been addressed.

Anyway, the point is with the good "boss-flame" not going to the sweetwater after transposition, there is literally no point in transposing anymore. The boss flames with not transposing will outscale the ATT you get from transposing items in the later stages of the game, so it effectively takes away your time to do content that doesn't even net a benefit... this seems like the opposite direction you would want to go for content in the game.

If fully intended, then sure. Nexon wants to lower the disparity of our server and others perhaps. But flames are not the way to do so. Flames hardly change range at all and transposing was always a min-max to begin with. Honestly what was the point in making such a drastic change to niche content that hardly changes your end-game damage?

Guess I'm just rambling at this point but I do think this change should be reverted because it benefits players a lot in the mid-late game, doesn't really make us that much stronger at the end stages, and content that exists and invites players to participate serves its purpose in keeping people playing the game.


  • LatemasterLatemaster
    Reactions: 1,780
    Posts: 139
    edited March 2023
    Gollux aren't treated as boss items since they are non kms stuff (and that's good thing since gollux is way too easy boss to give multiple items that are 2nd best in slot).
    Sweetwaters are also non kms stuff and clearly not boss equips so the transposing in the 1st place is bit broken when you transfer boss flame to non boss item. Atleast they aren't and have never been the best in slot items so you just go to pitched set earlier.

    basically you just have sweetwater tattoo and monocle as placeholders for berserked and eyepatch. And for pendant you go with dawn pendant (it will be tradeable within half a year anyways so better than untradeable sweetwater that way).
  • JFreezeJFreeze
    Reactions: 800
    Posts: 7
    edited March 2023
    read further in the patch notes/content fixes and you'll see this line:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1usxHvvmIKdroKuVNZgo_R9BJveq7Dx9_/view?usp=share_link i wonder what it means?