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Philosopher Books

Reactions: 1,120
Posts: 70
edited May 2023 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
I believe that the item pool for this product should be revisited and updated.

Regarding the items in List 1, about 58% of the items are equipment belonging to Empress set and CRA set [lvl 140 and 150 gear respectively]. For all intents and purposes, these items are useless in this context. With the auction house existing and the ease of these bosses in 2023, i don't think these belong in Philosopher's Books anymore. They are easy to obtain elsewhere. This may be controversial, but i think the oz rings should also not only be limited to lvl 1 rings, at least allow lvl 2 or 3 to be included, if lvl 4 is deemed too powerful.

In List 2: 15% of the items are temporary mounts. This is completely unnecessary. Having interesting cosmetics like mounts is a good thing! But making them temporary is a terrible idea. It serves no purpose. It would be like making the damage skins temporary. Please make all mounts from philosopher books permanent. Some other items i think should be cleaned up from this list like the 50% golden hammer and the slot bags. these items are weak and should be improved to the 100% hammer and largest bag sizes only.

I understand that not every item in the list can be powerful, highly sought after items I think there is progress to me made at improving the middle ground between 'complete waste of money' and highly sought after items. I am requesting that the cash shop team, or whoever deals with selecting the items for this product revisit the items obtainable and replace the useless items with more creative, interesting items. More cosmetics like damage skins, permanent mounts, and chairs would be a welcome replacement for irrelevant boss equipment from over 10 years ago. More old school equips like the bandanas would be nice as well, in my opinion. Maybe add a variety of "cube packs" instead of just single cubes only, and maybe even packs of nodestones.

These are just some ideas, but i believe there are lots of ways to make this product more appealing while also not breaking the balance of the game.

in general, please spend time making this product a WIN-WIN for Nexon and the players.