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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Extreme frozen in game (Help plz)
Hello to all maplers I hope you have a wonderful day
I want to report this problem that I am having daily
since the Maplestory Savior game update was made. Normally I do my daily quests in Cernium but lately it has been complicated by the extreme freezing that occurs when I enter battle, the game sometimes freezes for 20 to 30 seconds (even in some occasions it is much longer).
I tried to fix the problem by reformatting my pc and reinstalling Maplestory and s
etting the graphics settings to low and still the problem persists. This inconvenience not only occurs at Cernium, it also occurs in other areas of the Maple World.
More Details:
The freezing problem intensifies when using support for battle.
If anyone knows how to find a solution for this problem I would love to read it! Thank you so much.
For more information I share the video:
I also share my configuration of the graphic part:
Character name: CanonNyan
Character Level: 265
Character Job: Canon Master
World Name: Aurora