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Increasing max guild members and Amoria revamp

Reactions: 1,170
Posts: 9
edited October 2023 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Long time back in EMS, I had sent many requests which most of them came true.
One of them was: bringing back the old GPQ (Guild PQ):
Guild PQ

And also the same for bringing back the ingame name change system.

Now this time I have 2 other request.

1. A system or a quest to do to increase the maximum of total members in the guild by maybe 50 (or more)
Reason: Due to that a lot more people are coming back online and guilds are getting much more full.

2. Revamp amoria, bring back wedding group pictures (or new features), new items or old items (such as wedding bridemaid's dresses):
My old pic: Amoria pic
My old dress: Dress

Reason: It feels like Amoria is missing a lot of things currently. I feel like it's too simplified. There's not much of celebration, no group party quest (during wedding ceremony like long time ago, where you defeat monsters ect). So adding new (big) party quest would be fun for everyone. About the wedding commemoration ring, I think there should be an effect added to it. Like back in the years where many different rings (moonstone rings, golden heart rings ect) are giving the effect when both couple are near each other. As a result that people can choose different wedding commemoration ring (with different effect and all such) but also that people can increase stats, which currently have been this way. Also adding new (or old) wedding suits and dresses (or other exclusive items in specific events) would be great where people can buy them with mesos.