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Home Furniture Placement Bug

Reactions: 900
Posts: 7
edited May 15 in Bug Reporting
Bug type: Object bug

Brief bug summary: Furniture placement in Home is off. Furniture can be placed and grabbed only if the cursor goes to the upper left. Only affects furniture, not caretakers or quest bubbles.

More details: Screen resolution currently at 1440p with UI Optimization On. Affects all my characters in all worlds, and first showed up just after the Mayple Island patch. Has not resolved since the past hotfixes and maintenances. Build UI window has "Ladders" tab stretched out, but is otherwise unaffected. Flip and Store buttons still work, but you have to find it somewhere in the air and hope it's for the right furniture object.

Steps to reproduce: Go Home, Place Furnishing, grab furniture piece, move cursor towards upper-left of screen until furnishing appears where you want it in the home.

Character name: Uniek

Character level: 200

Character job: Aran

World name: Heroic Hyperion

Date and time of the incident: 05/16/2024 12:00am Central (most recent)