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[Henesys Ruins] questline lv160 is broken

Reactions: 310
Posts: 9
edited July 4 in Bug Reporting
the quest stop at "Utah's Pig Farm" and no more quest after that. no quest to obtain "Rise from Ruins" medal or complete the questline stamp.

edit: i'm not really sure what else to add but i was doing it as explorer class(Hero) and here's my quest complete order
[Henesys Ruins] The Rumor
[Required] [Henesys Ruins] Gate to the Future
[Required] [Henesys Ruins] Into the Light
[Required] [Henesys Ruins] The One from the Past
[Required] [Henesys Ruins] Chief Alex
[Required] [Henesys Ruins] Henesys in Ruins
[Required] [Henesys Ruins] The Fall of Cygnus
[Henesys Ruins] Ex-chief Stan
[Henesys Ruins] Jay the Warlock
[Henesys Ruins] Gathering Food
[Henesys Ruins] Utah's Missing
[Henesys Ruins] Utah? Utah!
[Henesys Ruins] Forest in Time
[Henesys Ruins] Anne's Request
[Henesys Ruins] Superior Arrows
[Henesys Ruins] Jay and the Quest for Power
[Henesys Ruins] Dream Fragment
[Henesys Ruins] Doubt
[Henesys Ruins] Creator of Dreams
Guardian of the Town
Never Give Up
Utah's Request
Welcome Home Utah
Utah's Pig Farm
edit2: i found the solution. need to leveling to lv165. start new questline and did 13 more quests, figthing mob lv168-184. then the last quest in [Henesys Ruins]lv160 questline will show up for medal and stamp