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I REALLY Hate This New KMS Director Now...

Reactions: 1,850
Posts: 371
edited September 6 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
1. Why are we gutting Bishop? [Rhetorical.]
- And Divine Punishment (skill where swords of light rain down from the sky in front of Bishop) we don't want it to have a longer recharge time, less charges, and more damage per strike.
The opposite is true where we want it to have a shorter recharge time and not increase the damage per strike and not decrease the max charge count.
This skill is great for mobbing and reaching bosses that would be out of reach otherwise, the skill always being available allows this to happen whenever we desire.

2. The solution to not have Bishops become super desirable and wanted all of the time is not to nerf Bishops and remove their unique utility providing effects for the party, but it is to add in more true supports into the game and increase the support value of existing jobs which then...

- A. Increases the variety of support utility in more jobs with different playstyles which then increases the supply of supports in the game.

- B. More true supports at Bishop's level, or close enough to, that can also provide different types of utility that Bishop does not even offer increases more playstyles and themes of jobs to choose from which widens the support pool.

Now parties don't need to look for specifically a Bishop, but rather they can look for any support to help them boss better. And with more variety greatly increases the support player pool which makes it significantly easier to find a support to boss with.

Embrace supports and support playstyle instead of trying to snuff them out and remove them, this will just hurt the game short and long term by doing this, but making supports clearly distinct from other jobs helps grow the game with completely different unselfish jobs to play - rather than everyone being "look how big my numbers are to your numbers".

This direction for the game of just making every job solo self sufficient blurs them to much together and makes you question to why there is any more than only one job to play?

UPDATE (September 6th, 2024):

To add, there is not anything to look forward to coming to the game from KMS, but we keep getting news that brings dread to the game's future that people are not looking forward to.

Basically, we need another Inkwell's Note soon and it has to have something in it - even if it is super vague - of brand new exciting stuff to come. I would love a new GMS Job added to the game to make up for the lost of Jett, and Mo Xuan does not count even if he does get added to GMS, talking about an actual new job!

In addition to fun new things and updates to old GMS content to make them relevant and fun for modern MapleStory!

I need something to look forward to for GMS because KMS keeps just delivering more and more dread coming in the future...


  • monkeiizmonkeiiz
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited September 5
    GO WEST please don't gut Bishop so GMS still has a chance to clear end bosses :(
    Or at least let WJ Oz ring still be relevant for us...
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,620
    Posts: 1,587
    Member, Private Tester
    edited September 5
    Bishop needs to be nerfed, these changes are fine. Currently bishop offers too much and the reason that no other support can come close is that bishop does everything that other supports do except better.
    Bishop should be good at healing and revives and not so much in the way of boosting damage. Other supports should have had their options boosted alongside of this nerf in order to make them valid choices over bishop depending on the needs of the party. Strengths and weaknesses are key to unique gameplay and currently bishop is nothing but strength. If you boost everyone else to the same level as bishop you just end up with more overpowered supports who don't really feel unique.
    Where they have put bishop now could be a good spot for a "well rounded" support but only if they make other characters offer better support in focused areas.
    Lynn is a great example of how to design a support. She excels at duo play but is weak for full parties, she is both really strong and really weak at the same time.
    Mihile is good at protecting the party but offers almost nothing in terms of boosting their damage.
    Paladin is good at keeping one person alive but not as good for the party in general as Mihile.
    Zero has a ton of bind options for keeping the boss on constant lockdown.

    With these changes bishop is still the best support, but it doesn't make or break your party to not have one. Rather this would be the case if boss HP wasn't designed around having benediction for every burst. This change will break a lot of parties and their ability to clear, adjustments to reboot (heroic) worlds FD will probably be needed more now than before in order to keep players clearing end game content.
    Reg (Interactive) servers won't be hit as hard due to higher damage ceilings but this will still easily break many bossing parties.
    I think that Bishop nerfs should have been rolled out more slowly and over time to give people time to adjust to bishop being less essential to their party.

    Of course Korea doesn't care about this breaking reboot even harder, since they don't have reboot anymore.
    To them the nerf is easily justified and people at the top can eat the nerf with interactive's higher damage.
    Nexon is hyper focused on designing/balancing content around a ridiculously small number of players at the very end of the game.
    So long as reboot final damage is increased before or during the patch that nerfs bishop we should be fine and it's a healthy change to the game that dethrones bishop as the must have support.
    I would still like to see other supports boosted in some areas to have clear strengths and weaknesses similar to the ones mentioned above.
  • RedRavenRedRaven
    Reactions: 1,205
    Posts: 235
    edited September 6
    gotta admit...he's mastering the art of how to kill the player base

    also quite dissapointed at Blaze Wizard nerf...just when i'am starting to enjoy my own Blaze Wiz too :S

    and all those classes buff....i'am not entirely sure but isn't he creating some overpowered cases ????

    ..lets hope Inkwell mitigate that KMS director damage in some way

    EDIT: for once that i dont read patch info fully....i got misled a bit there

    so Blaze Wizard is not a massive nerf to itself, its a massive nerf as group support(60%-->40% dmg for that flame rune circle)

    i actually sough a quick shortened answer about it from youtube comment as i didn't want to sit trough a 23 mins videos
    and the comment i found from the yt user posted "massive nerf to blaze wizard" XD

    well then....still a little sad but eh..i can cope with that 1 to Blaze Wizard
    as for Bishop i'am not a Bishop expert but....i would put my faith in Fuhreak if he think Bishop needed a tone down

    well i got a little too hasty to jump on the bandwagon this time XD.....
    although that doesn't excuse what he did to KMS reboot

  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 1,850
    Posts: 371
    edited September 5
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    Bishop needs to be nerfed, these changes are fine. Currently bishop offers too much and the reason that no other support can come close is that bishop does everything that other supports do except better.
    Bishop should be good at healing and revives and not so much in the way of boosting damage. Other supports should have had their options boosted alongside of this nerf in order to make them valid choices over bishop depending on the needs of the party. Strengths and weaknesses are key to unique gameplay and currently bishop is nothing but strength. If you boost everyone else to the same level as bishop you just end up with more overpowered supports who don't really feel unique.
    Where they have put bishop now could be a good spot for a "well rounded" support but only if they make other characters offer better support in focused areas.
    Lynn is a great example of how to design a support. She excels at duo play but is weak for full parties, she is both really strong and really weak at the same time.
    Mihile is good at protecting the party but offers almost nothing in terms of boosting their damage.
    Paladin is good at keeping one person alive but not as good for the party in general as Mihile.
    Zero has a ton of bind options for keeping the boss on constant lockdown.

    With these changes bishop is still the best support, but it doesn't make or break your party to not have one. Rather this would be the case if boss HP wasn't designed around having benediction for every burst. This change will break a lot of parties and their ability to clear, adjustments to reboot (heroic) worlds FD will probably be needed more now than before in order to keep players clearing end game content.
    Reg (Interactive) servers won't be hit as hard due to higher damage ceilings but this will still easily break many bossing parties.
    I think that Bishop nerfs should have been rolled out more slowly and over time to give people time to adjust to bishop being less essential to their party.

    Of course Korea doesn't care about this breaking reboot even harder, since they don't have reboot anymore.
    To them the nerf is easily justified and people at the top can eat the nerf with interactive's higher damage.
    Nexon is hyper focused on designing/balancing content around a ridiculously small number of players at the very end of the game.
    So long as reboot final damage is increased before or during the patch that nerfs bishop we should be fine and it's a healthy change to the game that dethrones bishop as the must have support.
    I would still like to see other supports boosted in some areas to have clear strengths and weaknesses similar to the ones mentioned above.

    Bishop is the only option in KMS. Bishop is simultaneously the best and worst KMS support because there is only one option.

    This is a balance update that imbalances the game massively. Why? Because all of the classes gotten buffed and the supports gotten nerfed and their utility went down, so support useful is a lot worse and the damage gap between support and non-support is even more extreme.

    All of the supports, including Bishop, are vastly underpowered.

    What they need to do is bring up all of the supports across the board, introduce new utility effects for jobs, and start releasing new supports to broaden the support pool. Then you can balance the supports among each other, but nerfing Bishop because you only have one real support is not the answer.

    Also, you are forgetting about the play experience of people that play support classes and these players want more and not less party usefulness, because if they wanted to just deal big damage then they would have picked FP Mage or Demon Avenger and the like.

    And Lynn is severely underpowered as well and hate her current state she is in, I want a revert to how Beast Tamer used to play.
    All of Lynn's utility is massively underpowered and needs to get buffed up.

    Paladin is also underpowered on the support side to an insane degree.
    Battle Mage too from the support side.
    Kanna from a support angle is severely underpowered.
    Mechanic is underpowered from a support angle.
    Mihile supporting is also underpowered.

    Supports SHOULD feel mandatory for bossing unless the player wants to challenge themselves with a solo or support-less party bossing. The solution to supports is have more of them, bring up their power by a lot, and then you balance them among each other once they are in the appropriate "mandatory" spot.

    This will broaden bossing to a lot more players because right now it is a very tiny niche of players that actually do bosses.

    I want the game to grow and not shrink, and buffing every class is very bad game direction as it will both power creep the game and shrink the game with having nerfed supports which then makes bossing even harder for player and makes it even more of a niche.

    You need to help grow the game, not help kill the game.
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 1,850
    Posts: 371
    edited September 5
    RedRaven wrote: »
    gotta admit...he's mastering the art of how to kill the player base

    also quite dissapointed at Blaze Wizard nerf...just when i'am starting to enjoy my own Blaze Wiz too :S

    and all those classes buff....i'am not entirely sure but isn't he creating some overpowered cases ????

    ..lets hope Inkwell mitigate that KMS director damage in some way

    They will copy over KMS class balance.

    Core Blaze Wizard gameplay still untouched at least, the new lion 5th job skill seems like it will function like BT's snow leopard blue flames, though does nothing for Blaze Wizard because you just use the fox fires anyways for mobbing and bossing. They addressed nothing that Blaze Wizard actually needs.
    I really want the OPTION for Blaze Wizard to have a normal teleport for bossing as this will smooth out their bossing so much and really help them out. Their current teleport is really only good for mobbing.

    The only thing I agree with is removing burst, but this guy has no clue on why people burst in the first place and how to address it. Outside of that, he has no direction for the game and the new stuff he is implementing has not been fun content whatsoever, and the "quality of life" stuff he has been implementing does nothing for the game, cannot fully commit to all decent skills should be passive, and has no clue on how to balance the game and instead imbalancing it further.

    To fix burst meta:

    1. Make boss design fun and enjoyable then people are more willing to struggle boss fights.
    People burst boss fights because they don't want to deal with annoying boss fights / mechanics.

    2. Allow a way for players to essentially boss on "easy mode" without the need to blow up the boss in a short time period.
    You do this with buffing up all supports and introducing new utility options for supports and adding in new support jobs as well to increase support variety and playstyle, which then increases how many people are playing supports, and more people playing supports makes it easier to find supports for party bossing.

    And specifically, you buff up supports utility and offer more utility to help the party live through a long boss fight, and make it meaningful, powerful, and very frequent too rather than increase their damage giving properties.
    For Example: You give Blaze Wizard the ability to heal and offer true damage reduction all of the time for the party rather than undo the damage increasing effects nerfs they have.