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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
thx NX, now i rly have to recreate a Shade AND Ara
i was gonna spit on it like AB...but....100 EXP nodestone as gift ????..now thats a real time worth investment to recreate...i dont like having to do so but..with such a big bait i can't say no...now thats a GOOD manager(dev ?) move...ya have my attention with that and a +1 rating for it...from a score of 1/10 to 2/10
well there still a lot more left to improve but thats a step in the right direction.....i just wish you guys would enabled rebirting my previous Shade to lvl 1 while keeping her cosmetics and gear i farmed on her....maybe could do that for the next revamps ?
like i used a lot of time to prepare her for hyper burning and set her up in full 17 stars AbsoLab......i wasn't expecting such a massively rewarding event base on previous ones......that caught me completly off-guard
if that trend is to be continue for further revamps it would be nice to know about it b4 hand so that we dont end up putting efforts into something that gets nullify later on
nonetheless i'am still quite happy with the generous gifts of those revamps...imma hope this gonna continue like this in the futur