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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Night Walker Bossing Disconnect
World: Kronos
Level 225 Night Walker
The game got disconnected when Night Walker is in the fight with bosses. The bosses causing 100% crashes so far are Pink Bean (weekly), Gollux (difficult level 4). Akechi Mitsuhide (weekly) also causes crashing but the fight was finally successful after multiple tries. Any Night Walkers have the same issue?
cus that one casues a crash when you attack with blindness (aka: Miss/ guard)
oh i see... let me change the damage skin to a normal one. thank you for the reply
hi wolf, im playing an illium, and i got disconnected most of time when go to bosses, so dark maplemas damage skin is the issue?
i think its a cool damage skin, but ...
hi Elicsoul, i too find it a nice dammage skin but it does cause crashes. so now we can olny wait for nexon to fix the issue, before we can use it all te time