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January 2025 KMST Feedback

Reactions: 2,045
Posts: 502
edited January 10 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Three points I am bringing up here from the most recent KMST (Korea MapleStory Test Server) are the link skills, noblesse skills, and boss crystal sell limit.

Boss Crystal Sell Limit:
Whether this actually affects players or not, if the Boss Crystal Sell Limit was cut in half to 90 from 180 would make the GMS (Global MapleStory) audience extremely angry and this is in your best interest to have NO CHANGES for us and gain a win just from that!

Players don't want the feeling like they are being shackled down by a ball and chain, does not matter whether that ball is pure lead or a balloon filled with helium, players will be really mad just with something like this being implemented with the max limit being cut in half.

I got the foresight to know how GMS players will respond to a change like this...

Link Skills:
~ No Mesos Cost for going past 4 link transfers is good.
~ Unlimited Link Transfers is good.

What is missing is that the 12 additional Link Skills to assign to each character should always be active on every character all of the time rather than only on one character at a time!

This would be so good to have and remove the unnecessary annoyance of having to re-assign the link skills to the character every time you log into it! You would still have the 12 additional link skill hard limit, but at least this way all of your characters always have 12 additional link skills active at all times and makes it much more convenient and less annoying to play on multiple different characters.

Noblesse Skills:
Currently the cooldown is double the duration (at max level) of the skill which makes it feel like an active.

~ Cooldown is reduced to 5 minutes from 60 minutes.
~ Mesos Cost for using the skill while on cooldown is reduced to 5,000,000 from 30,000,000.

This sounds great and all, but at this point these are passive skills with an annoyance factor. The skills have a 5 minutes cooldown, are not a party buff or atmosphere buff like Hero's Echo is, and last for 30 minutes for most people at this point.

This is a case where fully commit to the change and make them passive skills that are always active. Remove the mild annoyance of having to re-activate them every 30 minutes since they are 100% uptime anyways with this change. The game is in desperate need of reducing the amount of actives we need to use, increase the level of ease on players and reduce these mild annoyances.

Also, finish off decent skills to make them ALL into passive skills. Decent Speed Infusion and Decent Advanced Bless becoming passive is a good start, but the other skills need to become passive skills as well at this point like Decent Sharp Eyes, Decent Combat Orders, Decent Holy Symbol, and Decent Hyper Body [this one is only for Kanna and Demon Avenger for the most part] (the real more powerful buff will override the passive decent skill version).


  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,730
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    edited January 11
    Agreed with everything here except the crystal cap, if Nexon wishes to increase the crystal price by at least 2x that would be a fine change, this would eliminate the need to have as many mules doing bossing or if you want a lot of characters, you can focus on the hardest bosses that those characters can clear without not having enough time to get all your bossing done.
    Lowering the cap is a good change if they increase the price of crystals to be roughly the same as before once adjusted.
    If the price of the crystal isn't increased then leave the system the same or even remove the cap since doing 180 bosses in one week is already an insane number.
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 2,045
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    edited January 11
    Fuhreak wrote: »

    They didn't change the crystal price, they only cut the cap in half.

    Now if it is just for economy reasons for interactive worlds, then double Heroic World's crystal price with half crystals cap we can sell, then people wouldn't complain about that.

    99% of players don't go over 90 crystals in a week, but it is more the principle of being restricted is what people are not going to like and it would prevent unneeded backlash for no reason for a thing that people are not going over this amount anyways. So cutting the cap in half is just a bad look that changes nothing, so keep it the same and avoid the bad look entirely.

    And the cap is needed to stop the one guy from ruining his life because he has no self-restraint. Not like 180 crystals is interfering with anyone's play pattern anyways since we are not hitting that cap to begin with. No change is best change on this one.

    The reason they are doing it is the stupidest one.

    With the new Legion Champion coming out they think it will promote more people making mains (probably will do nothing in reality, going to be honest here).

    So to counter the might see an increase in mesos flow they are cutting the cap in half which is stupid because if more people are going to make more mains then they need more mesos to properly fund all of those characters, especially to the level to do these very late game and end game bosses solo. The current way things are DOES NOT SUPPORT multi-maining whatsoever!

    So now they are trying to push people in this direction (forceful multi-maining is a mistake since this is not what everyone wants to do) in a game that does not support it currently and is actively nerfing this aspect to make it even harder to multi-main. It is all stupid logic that contradicts and counters itself...

    Alternatively, if they reduced the mesos for starforcing and cubing with crystal cap reduction would also work out.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited January 12
    If 99% of players aren't hitting 90 crystals a week then doubling the price of each crystal would be nothing more than a SF/Cubing meso requirement nerf anyway.
    A lot more players than you think easily go over 90 each week.
    For those of us who do go over 90 crystals, because yes some people do hit the crystal cap and yes it does take a long time and interfere with our playing,
    This allows us to focus on the stronger bosses without having to do weaker ones that are only done for meso anyway.
    If they do this it supports people who wish to multi-main as well as those who do not.

  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 2,045
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    edited January 12
    Fuhreak wrote: »

    If you are doing daily bosses, yes, which affects the new player mesos.

    But half the starforce and cubing cost is better as it won't affect the economy state for interactive worlds than doubling the crystal mesos. Heroic worlds doesn't matter which you do since there is no economy to worry about.

    The problem is that they are only doing a nerf from a hypothetical extreme outcome that may or may not happen WITHOUT giving any kind of appropriate buff to go alongside it to better support multi-maining.

    This KMS director loves being super forceful in playing the game exactly how he wants you to play rather than giving freedom and options to play multiple different ways.

    I am fine with champion legion encouraging boss solos (you can achieve the quest with a practice clear, does not have to consume the real run), but specifically for bossing you should have powerful supports to help people get into bossing and give an option to allow players to having an easier time with bossing instead of forcing sweat mode bossing or nuking the boss in under 5 minutes.

    Expanding how many people do bosses will only help grow the game and benefit everyone as it will result in an easier time to find boss parties since it will push players into harder bosses. And after enough time of experiencing the bosses in longer fights rather than sub 5 minutes, they will eventually try a solo or two to push their own limits further. They need to fix the foundation in order for something like champion legion to work out long term.

    Short term, you got to better support mult-character and character progression overall a lot better. Can do the boss crystal cap nerf, but it has to be accompanied at the same time with a buff in another area for better character progression - like reducing star force and cubing costs, for example.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited January 12
    Stacona wrote: »
    This KMS director loves being super forceful in playing the game exactly how he wants you to play rather than giving freedom and options to play multiple different ways.
    This is very ironic given that you want to rework half the characters in the game to be something they're not.
    I am fine with champion legion encouraging boss solos (you can achieve the quest with a practice clear, does not have to consume the real run), but specifically for bossing you should have powerful supports to help people get into bossing and give an option to allow players to having an easier time with bossing instead of forcing sweat mode bossing or nuking the boss in under 5 minutes.
    Players already have this option. You can play a class that is easier to survive on and requires less "hands".
    You can play with one of the classes that offers utility/healing and allows you to be less skilled at the game but you still have to have enough skill to not just die out instantly.
    You can use various "cheese" strategies on bosses to make them less cumbersome.
    No participation awards. The game's bossing is designed for those who are good at the game and want to test their skills.
    If you get your "powerful supports" it will just change the game into something it's not.
    You are being super forceful in trying to get everyone to play the game how you want them to play, even if you won't agree that you are.
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 2,045
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    edited January 12
    Fuhreak wrote: »

    Not changing the class at all, all of it is just buffs to the class, the class either plays the same or plays better for the user with the same playstyle. Just bringing up the supports so they can actually support and do their job properly and deliver on that fantasy.

    And this direction is a lot better for the game for many reasons, includes allowing players to have an easier time bossing on the class that they like playing on. Most people do not want to be a wind archer, buccaneer, or dark knight, etc., so supports open up players to play the class that they like and able to boss as if they had the ease of these other easy solo classes.

    The other thing that is the most important is that it boosts the variance to non-solo bossing since based on who you have in the party, will change up how you interact with that boss. Meanwhile, if everyone is a damage dealer or only have insignificant supports, then the boss fight plays the same every week and players will get bored and eventually quit with no way to have any dynamic changes from week to week.

    Support players also naturally want to help out others of all kinds, which especially affects new players which is the most important aspect to game growth is improving the new player experience in multiple different ways. And having Maple be as complex as it is, having a real player there helping out a new player ends up being the best tutorial.

    Operation support's most important aspect is to balance boss fights with supports NOT existing, make sure supports are brought up significantly to properly do their job, and the combination of these two will have support properly fulfill their role of helping others out and become an option and not a mandatory requirement to clear each boss.

    Most people would opt into playing with a support than playing without one.

    This is good for the game and you let it happen, you just focus on balancing the supports among each other and not nerfing them into the ground because they are more desirable to have in a party than a damage dealer.
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,550
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    edited January 12
    And this direction is a lot better for the game for many reasons, includes allowing players to have an easier time bossing on the class that they like playing on. Most people do not want to be a wind archer, buccaneer, or dark knight, etc., so supports open up players to play the class that they like and able to boss as if they had the ease of these other easy solo classes.

    What kind of logic is this? If someone doesn't like a class, they just don't play it. If someone has trouble surviving with a class, a buffed support does nothing but just increase that player's dependence on that class and that player won't know how to play without that support's presence. If someone cannot survive a boss, they have to practice more or just accept they cannot do it or wait for a balance to make the boss more forgiving or a patch to give themselves more utility. Buffing Bishop to play better at your class doesn't make sense unless your plan is to tank every attack since Bishop will heal you. If that is the case, that isn't playing and Kim and Wonki made the wise decisions of creating fail conditions to remove the weak from the game.

    Boss equipment is given out to those as rewards for knowing the bossing mechanics, having control of your character and building them strong. No one is entitled to them automatically just because they are high enough to enter Limbo or some other boss. Strong players don't want to carry players who are too weak or have no clue what they are doing because they are pretty much forced to shared the rewards with them, deal with a cheaper crystal or forfeit a clear because the fool didn't know his actions cause the team to fail.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,730
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    edited January 13
    Stacona wrote: »
    Not changing the class at all, all of it is just buffs to the class, the class either plays the same or plays better for the user with the same playstyle. Just bringing up the supports so they can actually support and do their job properly and deliver on that fantasy.
    Like when you wanted to turn Phantom, who isn't a support into a support?
    And this direction is a lot better for the game for many reasons, includes allowing players to have an easier time bossing on the class that they like playing on. Most people do not want to be a wind archer, buccaneer, or dark knight, etc., so supports open up players to play the class that they like and able to boss as if they had the ease of these other easy solo classes.
    So I guess all those people I see playing the unpopular classes, their opinions don't matter? Their playstyle doesn't matter?
    If someone doesn't want to play WA, Bucc, Dark, it's because they don't like the class. If they did they'd be playing it.
    Changing it so that they don't have to learn the class isn't going to make them like it.
    The other thing that is the most important is that it boosts the variance to non-solo bossing since based on who you have in the party, will change up how you interact with that boss. Meanwhile, if everyone is a damage dealer or only have insignificant supports, then the boss fight plays the same every week and players will get bored and eventually quit with no way to have any dynamic changes from week to week.
    The same thing happens even in your scenario. It's not like having a support changes the way the boss fight works every week. It's the same every week.
    You would learn the way the boss works, do the same thing every week, because there are no "dynamic changes" week to week with or without supports.
    Support players also naturally want to help out others of all kinds, which especially affects new players which is the most important aspect to game growth is improving the new player experience in multiple different ways. And having Maple be as complex as it is, having a real player there helping out a new player ends up being the best tutorial.
    You don't have to be a support to do this. Just be a person who actually cares about players.
    You however, don't seem to actually care about what players want and only care about what you think they want.
    You don't actually listen to what people say, you just think you do.
    You are unironically just as bad as the current director about trying to force the game into a certain playstyle.
    Unlike the director though, you can't force the game into your desired playstyle.

    Pay attention to smegas, if people have a question, help them. Check the boss menu from time to time and see if anyone is asking for a carry.
    Don't just give them the boss either, make sure they actually understand the boss and help them to understand it before you just nuke it.
    You don't need to flip the game on its head to make a difference or make the game a better place, you just have to go out there and help players.