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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Kannas Auto Kicked from Admin for "hack reason"
Bug type: Gameplay
Brief bug summary: Constant auto kicks from the auto hack detection bot from playing my kanna whether that be bossing, attacking multiple mobs, or pets looting numerous items at a time.
More details:
This has happened before, but not as constantly. Ever since the recent patch (v.177) got patched the auto hack bot keeps kicking me constantly and relentlessly specifically on my Kanna character. It's making this character ridiculously unplayable since I just have to attack or have my pets loot when I'm inside a boss or training or attacking random mobs and get kicked out of the game having to constantly relog over and over just to finish that one boss or one quest.
Character name: BlessBeleez
Character level: 220
Character job: Kanna
World name: Scania
Date and time of the incident: After v.177 got patched
(mention your time zone if you aren't posting Pacific time)
Do you have any "Chance to ignore some damage" Potential equipped? Because having this and your Foxfire can cause GM Police to kick you out of the game.