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Cannon master skills not hitting all lines

Reactions: 300
Post: 1
edited November 2016 in Bug Reporting
Bug type:skill

cannon master skills cannon bazooka and cannon barrage dont hit correctly.

More details:

both skills have 4 lines of damage, but on some monsters they only deal 1,2 or 3 lines. or they dont hit at all. for example, moon bunnies get hit all the time, but yellow king goblins almost dont get hit. playing from eu on gms, so it might be a latency issue.image
Edit: The lines that are not displayed are most likely misses that are not displayed due to a bug with the basic damage skin.

Steps to reproduce:

shoot monster with the skills mentioned above and some monsters dont get hit.

Character name:TheLinesOmg

Character level:126

Character job:Cannon master

World name:Reboot

Date and time of the incident:12th november 2016 20:00 est


  • xOtakuxOtaku
    Reactions: 1,355
    Posts: 108
    edited November 2016
    You are missing the mobs. Go level up to same level as the mobs and all your lines willl show