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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Changes for all Royal Hair/Face Coupons
Hi, recently I bought a Black Friday royal coupon wanting to get a hairstyle I really liked (first time spending nx on royal coupons) but the moment I used it I got a random hairstyle that I didn't like. As a mapler who has been playing this game since pre-BigBang, i really want Nexon MapleStory to change the hair/face coupons so the person who buys it can choose whatever hair/face they like. Because I personally think its a waste of money ($3.30us is equal to $4.4aud for me who lives in Australia) for me who's poor and I have to keep wasting money ($4.4 each for one hairstyle out of 9 possible others) on your "pay to get it" concept system to enjoy the game. All I know is that I could be spending $44 just to get one hairstyle I like thanks, Nexon Maplestory.