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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
knoback and what it does to pets
so. pets. we get them to speed up the impossibly slow manual pickup cause you have small range,the pickup starts slow and is slow in the end,and some people get auto move/auto move x3 range (me) so they don't have to walk around small/semi large maps but shouldn't there be a sort of skill to boost pet movement? or did I not see it? cause then its kinda just a slower way to pick up without the skill....and the thing that makes auto move kinda bad is it only goes off if you don't move for a bit. this also gets cancelled by knockback for reason unknown to me....so classes like kanna who has the ability to boost monster spawns cant really use the skill (and as this is suggestion's, I recommend going to general chat and over to my last post about the pet auto feed/move skill)